Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Wednesday December 10

Already yesterday afternoon I went to my medical appointment to see Dr Castillo at the Retina Institute.
He mentioned that everything is OK,  He measured my eyes pressure and it is fine on both eyes.
He also checked my left eye where I had the vitrectomia operation performed  for any sign of cataract and he concluded that everything is OK.  Once at home I have written down a report for Simona.

One of the nurse over there was called Martha as my mom back in Italy, so I told her that I remember her from the last time I went there.
The next appointment is scheduled for Dec 31 2015.. I have noted in my agenda.In case I will be dismissed from CNS  I was told that there are Retina Institute  throughout California even near La Canada so eventually we will go near our home.
Patricia took me to the doctor appointment and  later Suzanne my nurse took me back at the apartment. Susanne is doing great and her son Michael is a senior n high school. He is busy as a side activity he is playing the drum.

Afterward I went back to the apartment  and wrote a letter to my boys. For both Chicco and Lapo in English and block letter.
I like writing to my family as much as I can. It helps me going trough my days and express to them my sense of optimism for our family. 

I know they are doing their best in life and so I am doing my best in keeping them abreast of my days.
Finally it was time for me to go to Walmart for personal shopping. It was a foggy evening..

Over there I purchased a new jacket ( as the previous one got lost somewhere..)
And I have purchased a big Rubbermaid 30 gallon Storage box to store my personal items currently in a couple of carton boxes in my bedroom.

My plan is to wash everything from the old boxes and to move it into the new plastic storage box.

At Walmart I met Michelle. Michelle works here at CNS  she is a CR therapist. 
Yesterday I had to go the restroom so I left my card with my staff and I could not find it.
So I spent time with Michelle and finally I was able to get in touch with my staff and all the items that were in my cart.
 I stayed on budget and returned the exact change and receipt  at the reception. 
Simona made sure that Rene had approved my money on time. So it all went well.

Today at the clinic I worked on my CR with Erica.  
1) Parrot  Program
7 letter and 7 second, results 55% time 15.25
2) Sequence level 5 attempted 11 correct 10. Average response time 7.27
3) memory for direction #5
completed 22 correct 18 , 82%, average response time 6 sec.
Finally it was time for my Yoga session with Amy. I brought her stickers for Madison and Olivia her two daughters.  I have got into the habit of exchanging with them small tokens of appreciation. 
In exchange they have been preparing artwork or small items that I have kept for me or when appropriate I gave to my boys. Like the bracelet that Lapo is holding in this picture at the right hand side, and the wallet that Chicco is holding at the left hand side.

Well it is all well.. Simona is keeping up with everybody with our family and she is doing what she has to do as everything is currently on her shoulders.
Enjoy the reading
Thank you Sarah, Simona CNS and everybody else that might be interested in reading this blog.

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