Monday, December 15, 2014

Monday December 15

Today Simona my wife is attending a conference in S.Francisco.
Everything is well. At home we have our  kiddos taken care by Marina our nanny.
Laura a good friend of ours also came from Kansas to stay with our family, So while Simona will be gone the family is covered.
Going back to my activities  last  Friday I went to the gym as it was Zumba night with Honey.
I had a lot of fun and surprise... surprise Honey's daughter  Adelia was there as well.

She is the lady smiling on this picture.

Kayla greeted me before leaving

On Saturday I took care of cleaning around  the apartment. As you will see I did the normal maintenance. 

I wrote to our kiddos as in Italy it was S.Lucia a pre X-mas festivity where kids starts receiving small presents.

I also had time to prepare a small drawing for Madison and Olivia for the Xmas season.
I will bring to the clinic tomorrow my yoga day.

In the morning at 10:30 am it was time for me to do my Grocery Shopping at Trader Joe's 

Over there I had a lot of fun as usual.
I brought a Xmas ball for Delaney. Delaney is Jamie's daughter. Jamie is the lady having good time with me. She is the lady at my left hand side, making me bunny hears. I brought her a decoration for her Xmas tree. She mentioned that she has a plastic tree like ours. 

Overall I had a lot of fun.
As I have brought the recyclable bags I entered Simona's phone on the raffle ticket I was given.

Also I collected Stickers that I have brought today to Sarah my awesome Case Manager. The stickers are for Ian her youngest son while the thank you letter is  for Sarah.

I got everything I needed and I spent a cool $92

In the evening I went to the Maya theater to watch a nice movie.
It is a movie about the life of Steven Hawking, his relationship with his wife  Jane and his beautiful family.

I really enjoyed the movie and its deep meaning that has brought to me. 

I have written yet another letter to our kiddos

On Sunday I did a beep cleaning for the whole apartment. Cleaned the bathroom, all the sinks all the carpet and the floor. Finally dusted the whole surfaces and there is so much dust around.
I like to leave in a cleaned and sparkling house.. you can't blame me for it.
Finally on Sunday I went to Church and met Coral and her family.
Cristina did a good Job by being there on time.
I greeted Amparo and Mark..
So everything is well.
It is time for me to go. 

Remember: You cant' hack what you can't see..

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