Friday, December 19, 2014

Friday December 19

Already yesterday it was a Thursday and  I went to the gym as it was my Zumba day.
Before hand I had a wonderful dinner. Chicken Teryaki with Jasmine rice and a staffed mushroom.

I called home and heart Lapo playing the piano. He is an adorable young kid.
He made me lessening to his piano piece. A great kid in fact, he is following the steps of his eldest brother Chicco.
Afterward our kids went to Taekwon do with Marina and I went to the gym as it was my Zumba night, yesterday it was Suzy leading the dance.

This is Jerry at the gym.

this is Frank the Manager. He told me he is not going to be there today.

 Christina drove me back and forth from the apartment.

when she arrived I was doing cycle with Lolita.. as she was there it meant it was time to go back home.
Today at the clinic after chatting with Don a very good friend of mine, We talked about a lot of things among other about being as valuable as a Stradivari  violin. 

I mentioned him that my grand father used to build violins ( clearly not at the level of Stradivari... ). I mentioned that our kids play music very well, they are both working at their piano skills. It is very good for the development of the brain to lean to play music at an early age.. Well I am very proud as our kiddos are great piano players.

Afterward  I  I worked on my CR (PT for the brain) and finally had a good PT session. A good run is a great way to start the weekend,, beside it comes complimentary from Dr. Madrilehjo  my endocrinologist in charge of my recovery..

After a good home prepared lunch based on a healthy salad with avocado, tostadas and a lot of good  staff..
All home prepared food.

Early on today I met Dr. Ashley and also met Nick his son. Dr. Ashley is the founder of CNS.

They are all very nice people and  very pleasant. As they are very busy I had a quick hello with them.

I have to say that I am lucky as I have a wonderful Case Manager in Sarah and I have a wonderful place on my shoulders to get better.

Sarah invited me today to chat but I thought that I trust Sarah very much and we are both very busy person. 
I am busy with my own recovery process she is so busy with all the cases she is handling..
You see it is all well.
I am getting stronger and more independent in my therapy so it is best for me to stay here for a bit longer.
Patience is what makes us stronger. The brain is a beautiful organ that needs to be retrained after an injury. It has been proven that it is doable.. it is called Neuroplasticity.
Apparently some tasks are repetitive but it has been shown that they have been designed  on purpose to retrain the brain to get better.. 
My profession right now is to get better and do all the bests to move along in this recovery..
I am not alone,., but I like to be independent at my best.
Hence here is the little summary before the weekend.

Simona mon amour don't you worry.. you are the best..
But you keep doing Zumba at a different gym,

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