Monday, December 8, 2014

Monday December 8

Already.. I had a very good weekend among the people of the community.
On  Friday I afternoon I went to the 24 fitness gym to dance Zumba with Honey. She is the lady in Yellow shirt at my left hand side.

On Saturday I have been cleaning around the apartment..

Afterward I have been been doing grocery shopping at Trader's Joe.
Over there I have been greeting everybody. In particular I have brought  to Jamie a  drawing for the daughter Delaney. Jamie is  here pictured at my left hand side. As usual we had a lot of fun.

I spent $47.53 . I had brought my bags and hence I have a ticket for the raffle with Simona's phone number.
Finally I have got stickers for Ian, Ian is Sarah' youngest son.
Today I have brought her the sticklers and something more.. it is up to you Sarah to find the will and interest to open the envelope and to find the time to address these questions.

Afterward on Saturday  I went to the movie to see Penguins of Madagascar... It was a family movie away from everybody else of CNS.. I have appreciate my time with the normal people of the movie theater.
At the movie theater  I saw Morgana and I snapped a picture of her smiling at me. She knows me quite well and she is always happy to see me ..

I have been preparing something for my kids. A letter to Chicco our eldest now 9 years old and a small drawing about the Penguins Movie I saw over the weekend.

For Lapo I have also been making a small drawing for him..

On Sunday I went to Church and finally my weekend was over. 
I have prepared a roadmap as well for Sarah to discuss with her as she is a Manager and I am a VP of Business Development,,, I bit of pro-activity in life is appreciated.

Hence Dear Sarah you obviously are not in a hurry..
Please keep doing such a good job..
We all are valuing the empty vacuum that you leave your customers..
Please remember that the Squeaky wheel gets the grease..

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