Friday, December 5, 2014

Friday December 5 2014

it is a wonderful day here in Bakersfield.
Yesterday evening I wrote a letter to our sons. It is addressed to the both of them.. Chicco is now 9 and Lapo is 5.5. I write in English and block letter so that Chicco can read it.

I am writing to them about my day as usual it is in English and Block letters. Chicco reads it avidly and Lapo is doing his bests. Normally for Lapo I prepared a little drawing  with some simple world as he is learning to read and to write.

While I was writing to my family I have been cooking chicken drums on a bed of potatoes.  I have sprinkled it with Rosemary from the CNS garden.. fresh and yummy..

 I have been cooking the chicken in the oven and at the last minutes I have been broiled for a bit. It came out perfectly done and crispy on the top.

After ward I went to the 24 fitness gym. It was Zumba night with Mike. I enjoyed my time very much over there.  I started doing cycle with Lolita and then it was time to leave as Cristina came to pick us up. At the gym I greeted Frank the Manager and Kaia at the reception.
At the gym I greeted Tigi her daughters Kushi and Paya.
Finally it was time to come back home.
This morning I woke up early as usual and get my yummy breakfast.

I cleaned the whole apartment washed my dishes. I took my meds and then went on to take the bus.
At the clinic I left a Letter for Sarah my Case Manager and stickers for Ian her youngest son. A small gesture to wish her a good weekend.
Finally I had my RT started. I run happily and body is getting stronger with all the activity I am doing.

I love running and more generally I love all sort of Physical activity I can do around the CNS and the community.
It is part of my recovery process..
My brain is getting back into generating by itself the IGF1 growth factor. 

Time for lunch..

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