Thursday, December 18, 2014

Tuesday December 18 2014

Already, when I came back to the apartment yesterday I wrote a letter to my wife.
The truth is that it is a letter of complaints for the current condition at CNS.
The place is overcrowd, it lacks the necessary infrastructure to handle all its population together with  their family members who consume as many resource as others without much of consideration or necessary politeness.

The truth is that CNS is overpopulated  and can not handle everybody and should start to face reality..
its own capacity has been reached long time ago.

As a result of this points CNS your quality of care as been decreasing.. 
Apparently you are happy with these conditions and in fact you are looking at this matter as an upside. The higher the patients the higher the revenues.

Apparently overcrowding is a shared issue of many facilities in California. Among the few are the correction facilities in California. Luckily once in a while to correct this matter you have an amnesty that resets the local population and resources to the proper level.

CNS should consider providing Amnesty to a bunch of people to release the current overcrowding..

Perhaps it is a concept too hard to grasp.. or too simple to implement..
Perhaps it has something to do about revenues that is the truth under the rag.... 

After ward as I conveyed my point, I have been writing to my boys. A letter to the both of them in English and capital letter then a little drawing for Lapo our youngest.

Both the kiddos are really looking forward for my letters, they will be kept as a souvenir of my little vacation at CNS..
The funny thing is that I did not have to book a plane nor a car to come to this vacation..
It is not a cruise nor a fancy place it is a basic simple overcrowded place where ..
well you know exactly what this place is about..
 bot worth it of my time to spend ..

Yesterday I went to the gym and did cycle with Angie. She is the lady at my left hand side.
Her boyfriends and kid are doing great. 
I went over there with CNS staff and got dropped off.

Afterward I started doing body pump with Sylvia and finally at 7pm it was time to go back to the apartment 421..
Yesterday I also have been booking for movie for  Saturday.. 
Finally after the gym I have got a shower and a light snack then my Divalproex, Melatonin and Trazodone before going to bed..

It was night and then the sun came up again.
This morning I woke up early cleaned up myself. 

Had a quick breakfast..

Cleaned up everything left the apartment cleaned and I took the bus..
In the meanwhile I snapped a goofy picture. Brad, Jarron and James helped me a lot..

Finally I came to the clinic left stickers for Ian on Sarah desk and started working..
It is all good.
I will need to go..
Have a great day..

Remember Quality means  caring a bit ..

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