Friday, May 12, 2017

Friday May 12 2017

It is a tough day today. My intracranial pressure is bugging me a lot. The left side of my head is hurting today. This is the side where my shunt is located.

It hurts me whenever the weather pressure changes or whenever it likes.

It is said that I have to wake up and stand slowly,  hence the fluid in my brain is redistributing gently and the pressure does not build up too quickly.

The only way to alleviate the pain I am feeling  is by asking nursing for a couple of pain relieve pills.
These are  only a temporarily fix.

I tried to crank up the cold water for my morning  shower. It did not help

There is obviously a lot of wrong in my head. They said once you have a head injury you are prone to persistent and regular headaches. How fool of me for thinking that it was a matter of getting it over in a short time.

Nursing is only using  palliative to temporarily alleviate the pain I am feeling within my skull.

I guess this is showing the current limitation of the medical science...
Breakfast perhaps? Has to be Organic of course.

Yesterday evening the chicken  from the crockpot was ready to eat.

I had my quick dinner and then at 5:30 pm walked to the gym. I arrived at 6pm when my class was almost over. Bodycombact with Scott was almost done so I  stayed a bit and then headed back.
The road to the gym is still a total mess. 

The city is repaving the road and the result is a complete mess of vehicles ,  near the gym the side walk have been affected considerably so I had to cut through a plaza that is still left intact. 

On my way to the gym I stopped at Albertson's supermarket  to get a jar of creamy peanut butter. As I was there I purchased white chocolate bars. I l already gave it away to nursing
I am purchasing chocolate and giving it away because I do not eat it.

It  has passed the time I was enjoying eating it.

 Anyway it has always been dark chocolate in the past.

As always   today I had brought my own food while the other patients that stayed at AAC were religiously awaiting to be provided with food. I am in no way depending on the food served  by CNS. In the past they had been supplying  me with food. As I remember it always  was of limited quantity and uncertain quality.

I elevated my own independence, as a result I trust only myself when it comes to cooking food.

Sed nemo te confidunt  - trust nobody but yourself.

It  is a simple matter of taste and choices.

Eat your penne pasta with brisket and an apple... this is my own food, coming from my own grocery shopping and my own cooking...

It is the amount that I have decided and it is what I have decided to have for me.

It is rewarding to know I have made it and chosen for me rather than depending on somebody else's decision and wiliness to provide me with food. Thank you but no thank you.

Here at  home of hopes the microwave had been tested by a person that let her soup cook and over spill in it. Sounds silly to be able to use a microwave properly but hey apparently at the time it is not the case.

Today at the apartment I have to clean, pack and complete cooking the food I have.

Tonight at about 9pm I will be gone to my real home in La Canada until Sunday evening. On Friday we celebrate our little son first communion. I will be allowed to stay at my over there until Sunday evening when I will be shipped back to Bakersfield as it has become customary since I had my head injury in 2011.

I should be used by now.. I  enjoy  being back in La Canada for a brief time. It reminds me of the way I used to be before. There are a lot of memories and a lot of feelings. I can sleep well without anybody screaming on the outside, there are no odd noises in the morning of people stretching or cursing like at CNS. Briefly I feel I am back a human person over there. No noise of herb cutting as always it is the case at CNS. Briefly it is a more human place to be. 

I certainly do not like to be at CNS. I do not like the other patients and I can not stand their shortcoming.

Everyone, has its own peculiar treats, everybody is different as I have been reminded many times. 

I guess this weekend I will have some fun in La Canada at home.

I have letters for the boys a Settimana Enigmistica for Simona, a present for the boys that Riccardo gave me two weeks ago when he visited me with Betty.  I am doing my best to take care of my own family.

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