Thursday, May 25, 2017

Thursday May 25

Well let's rewind the memory using pictures

Yesterday I distributed the new schedule of the week.

I have also finally booked for a movie outing for Saturday evening

There is finally something worth watching, it is the latest installment of Pirate of the Caribbean.
The reviews that I am reading today are not much on a positive side, One of them says that it is time to retire the franchise entirely. Well I am sure that the studio company - Disney in this case- has much of a different opinion.

As always I made a good dinner. A healthy frittata with the left over rice and a great fresh salad with a lot of greens, fiber and vitamins.

See the colors of the salad
Spinach Heirloom tomatoes, carrots, tomatoes and anchovies with Olive Oil and Balsamic vinegar...
Yummy a healthy vitamin packed salad.
 Beside the added Anchovies provide such an extra flavor to make it a great side dish during this hot time of the year.

Here is my dinner before the gym

I partitioned it for today's lunch as always I am doing.

After dinner I was driven by CNS for my two classes.

I signed out at 5:45 pm

First I had static cycle- which is actually  a good cardio.
It is  an OK class for me. 

Afterward Sylvia had a session of body pump.

This  is the class I was looking forward to attend.

At the gym I am carefully increasing the weight that my body can take without injuring .

I am  focusing on range of motion and on bending my crooked legs.

I can bend it a bit but in comparison to the other people my range of motion is still far from ideal.

Afterward my endorphin hormones are fully kicking in  and I am feeling great

I was feeling hyper  actually  I started to walk back to the apartment.

I let CNS know and   I was picked up by one of the sup

I signed back in at the apartment at 7:20 pm

 A brief snack and night shower followed

I woke up ready to work.

I had a good breakfast: cooked hot cereal from the other day. I added peanut butter and honey.

I had blueberry with cold cereal and milk, then a yogurt with Chia seeds.

In the morning I also  had a cold shower. I like it that way.

The roses near the apartment are always shining in the morning.

I completed money management today.

Per my expectation I had the usual $75 for food with $24 for outing and an extra $40 for grocery.
I am eating healthy and well. So I am spending a good amount of money for food.

I walked around at the park

As I was going up and down the stairs at the apartment I found many bag trashes full of things to throw away strategically located in different places.
I understand they were left for somebody to take it  to the trash.

And so as it was along my path I took everything to the trash bin.

This artistic composition comes from Italy and specifically from my mom

She mentioned that she saw the Pope with Mr Trump in Rome.

Mr. Trump's  wife and daughter were with him, they were  properly dressed in black with a black veil covering their heads

As it is said " When in Rome do like the Romans do"

This morning and before coming to therapy  I was able to set the slow cooker at the apartment. I set in  on  low settingfor 8 hours cooking .

My Case Manager Jolanta had brought some Rosemary for me to use.

So this morning I took the opportunity to set up the slow cooker with a lot of Rosemary

I washed Carrots, potatoes, Celery and the Rosemary branches.

I chopped everything in coarse pieces and loaded the pot.

In the slow cooker I also added an onion chopped into slices, some chicken things with the veggie above. 

I set it on low to cook for  today. It is a self controlling and timing appliance.
That is you can set it by choosing the duration of the cooking and afterward it goes by itself.

It turns off  and stays on warm mode once the timer has reached the selected cooking time. 
It is a very safe and reliable  appliance to use.

This morning the bus did kind of a tour around Bakersfield.
First all aboard at the apartment. Then all taken to the Ashe clinic for a couple of patients to attend.
Second all stay aboard in the bus and go back to the AAC.

Kind of a funny tour around.  

Anyway the new clinic looks good. The external wall, roof and windows are together.

The outside is still very busy by the trucks of the construction crew.

It is going to take a while to get everything in order. I am not informed on the status of the inside. I am sure the construction follows a blue print. I suppose the work in the inside will take a long time. Electrical wiring, plumbing, water piping. After the building is completed there will be inspector issuing the proper permit and  there will be the phase of  installing the  furniture to the  actual office.

I guess there are going to be some special rehabilitation equipment as well.

Enjoy the view anyway, it is still several months away before being ready.

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