Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Tuesday May 2 2017

Yesterday afternoon I ended up waiting on the stairs of the home of hope after my therapy.

As I was waiting outside for a pick up a police car unit drove twice by me to check.

Lucky I am a person with  fair completion and they did not stop for me but hey ...

My reaction to this matter is a comment to say : this is priceless.

Once back at the apartment I  took my meds and at 5 pm and signed out.

I walked to the Uppercut store near the apartment. I desired to have a hair cut.
With temperature skyrocketing this week it is good for me to keep my head cool for my blood pressure.

I do not need any fancy place, so basically any little store that provides this service will do it for me.
I returned to the same place I used a couple of months ago.
In addition the same person was there. Her name is Maria.

I kept her business card so I can use this place over and over again.

To my experience she is  a fast person and a very consciousness one.
She is not spending time on any fancy items, so I am basically in and out in  no more than 35 minutes this includes 15 minutes of wait for my walk in.

 . As mentioned before I am simply there for a hair cut.

Nothing fancy, just a short one, a military stile cut. Too short. well I like efficiency. I also had her to take care of my eyebrows.

Last weekend I had visitors and  not used the outing money for anything. I asked at the reception if I could use it for this matter.  Ana at the reception confirmed. So I presented my receipt to her and get the exact change for my outing money.

I had used my own personal money in the meanwhile.

Now I have a  very efficient hair cut.

Supercut keeps sending me email with $5 coupon off offers.

I did not like their business the last time I was there. I did not appreciate their service so in no time I dropped it.

Beside going there it was a big Ordeal. Only with CNS I was allowed to get there.
They tagged me as  Joseph_CNS on their reservation list.

Well I did not appreciate it and therefore thank you guys, bye and Saionara.

It is hard to take a selfie at the apartment because there are always other patients in the field of view of the camera.

So here it is.. no frill selfie it is what it is anyway.
My mother thinks I have terrible eyes in this picture

I am just trying to check my environment as there are constantly people in the field of view of the camera phone. And one of the rules of privacy is that there can be nobody 
So there is nobody but my wonderful very green eyes.

Dinner after my hair cut.

 I had prepared a very summer spinach salad.
Sliced celery, heirloom tomatoes, carrots, cucumbers and a whole sardine cans in Olive Oil.

Of course I dressed it with Olive Oil and balsamic vinegar by limiting the salt consumption.

Well I slept well and wake up at 6 am as always.

I dressed and had  my very good breakfast.

My menu in the morning is set. I like my oatmeal mixed with peanut butter and honey.

I like  yogurt with Chia seeds.

I like cold cereal with blueberry,  high fiber and nut cereal

Once I am up, I am up and start my day.

What do I do the whole day?
Well first of things I have to attend AAC, a place that I am suffering a lot from.
I am witnessing a lot of bad things over there, anyway I am in charge of reading the news papers with my heavy and thick Italian accent. I am doing this futile action in the middle of a wonderful cacophony of sounds and among a total uninterested audience. Among the one who asks for ice among the one who asks for playing card.. weird place, you can take my word.

At 11 am I am signing out to get a  different type of therapy. It is a better place here

My computer and desk.

the computer has been trying to update for the longest with the results that it has not enough space to do the trick.

I am serving  my time until 2:45pm. I am really trying to stay in a cool environment as the heat is deleterious to my blood pressure and my shunt starts hurting again.

I forgot that nowadays I am no more human than the gear implanted in my head and the tubes that are going by my right hear.

I am done what are you doing at CNS?
Nothing absolutely nothing.

I am free to do afterward to be where I am recovering at the Bakersfield apartment.

I will not stay there long as I am most of the time at the gym, among other human person.

They are all used to my physical inability, to my walking oddly and to my weirdness.
But I try to survive to a brain injury and then we can discuss once more.

And I am always on the move because I can not stay put in any one place...

It is not my fault, I have done nothing to deserve this...I was perfectly well with my previous life.
It was hard but at least I had chosen it.

I have not chosen the CNS. I have no say on the so called activity that happens in this place.

I  make the assessment that based on my experience it is not the place they want to make you believe it actually is .

Approposito oggi e' arrivata a Verona la lettera che aveno mandato a mia madre. E' datata il 22 di  Aprile.  Ha impiegato una decina di gioni come attestato in precedenza.
La posta dall'America in Italia arriva superveloce.. la strada opposta e' un'altra storia

Giuseppe Rossi

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