Thursday, May 4, 2017

Thursday May 4 2017

It is again a hot and muddy weather in Bakersfield.

The paper forecast says that it is going to rain for the weekend. I   checked both my phone and the computer website.  There is a 50% chance of light shower for this Sunday.

Hopefully it will get cooler. I am gasping for some cool air
The weekend is supposed to get a pleasant temperature 20C  and 22C

Then 26, 29 and 28 C again. We will see I am hoping for the temperature to cool down.

Only the roses at the apartment keep up with the heat.

My healthy breakfast this morning,  from my own personal healthy menu.
Cold cereal (High Fiber) with added blueberry in  Organic milk,  a serving of Grain Medley.  yogurt and Chia Seeds.

A bit of  coffee with ice.

This morning I stood up to fast from my bed and my shunt started  hurting.
Nothing new under the sun for me. I am used to get physical  pain above the right eye.
At time it is the eyes itself, the head more rarely is the whole skull.

It is certainly related to yesterday evening physical activity.
Or it is not, we can have a countless number of explanations: one time it is the atmospheric pressure, another it  is the heat, another is my physical activity.

In my opinion it shows how much the whole things is clearly wild, that is not under medical control.

Yesterday  evening I went to the gym. I asked the  sup  if any NRS could  drive me there. So Miss Marissa S. drove me . I arrived on time for static cycle with Cassie Marie. Afterward I had body pump with Sylvia Walker. I got caught in the middle of the environment, with the encouragement of  the instructors let's go pumpers  let's go you can make it.  I got carried away and loaded my self too much. I mean Cassie Marie and Sylvia are the ones that load themselves a lot compared to me.
They are really the ones that I am following in my activities.

Anyway I was feeling well. I had an adrenaline rush. Isn't what you are supposed to do at the gym anyway?  Both Cassie and Sylvia keeps saying me to keep up with the good work.

I am working hard at the gym because my physical fitness is important and it is part of my rehabilitation work.

Anyway at 7pm  I  left and   came back to the apartment by myself. I signed back in at 7:40pm

I took a warm to cold shower and my evening meds.
Feeling well and happy.

I did not wanted to go to sleep as in my experience it is an artificially induced sleep. 
I am fully aware of it. I never dream nor have any memory of my any sort of brain activity of the night. 

Anyway when Nursing came with my Ambient sleeping pill, this is the time for me to get to bed.

This morning I took a warm to cold shower, hoping that my head would gets better.
Nursing came to bring me a couple of  Tylenol pills.

I had my healthy breakfast. The usual Organic breakfast 

I completed money management for this week.
Because at the office there were no $20 bill, I was given all $10 bill.

It is fine, I will spend it one way or the other.
I was told that the newspaper kiosk is still  not working properly. Nevertheless  I walked a  bit in the park.. To enjoy the morning.

I did not go far as it is so hot outside.

A bit of walking around to check the day.

The park is always nice in the morning.

Anyway I came back to the apartment and took my lunch box.
I boarded the bus. As it is hot I am taking the large bus not the sprinter. 
I had a couple of cold water bottle and I applied to my upper right head,were my shunt is located. This is working as  a cold compress of some sort.

I went to the AAC. They had the newspaper over there. I read the newspapers and at 11 am I came here at the Homes of Hope. I left the newspaper at AAC as there is no newspaper around. 

Here at Home of  Hope I met Amanda and her husband John. He is the CEO of this foster care agency.

Contrary to what I was lead to believe by an uninformed person I  am welcome to stay here and to keep being part of the team as  a voluntary at the Homes of Hope.

You see they both  came to rescue at the right time.

I had a really good lunch.

;A large grapefruit,  a cup of brown rice and a left over of lemon chicken cooked in  the slow cooker.

Lunch before 

Lunch after

A good healthy lunch..

The air conditioner at the Homes of Hope has been fixed.
Earlier it run into some issue.
It is all fixed and now it is full speed ahead.

I like the AC, I would not be able to survive without it.

Some visitors of  mine from Italy noticed how much I got used to having the AC running and controlling the temperature of the places I am living in.

Well I have been in US for so long that I got used to it.

Once you get used to the AC cooling effect it is hard to adjust to go back to a different regime.

My mother from Italy mentioned that she had dinner with a soup a slice of salmon and a salad.
As desert she had a couple of  candies

You see I had to search the words candy in English. In Italian it is caramella, but as I do not have much of a sweet tooth   I hardly know the translation and I had to resort to the use of google.

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