Monday, May 22, 2017

Monday May 22

It is a boiling hot day in Bakersfield.

The temperature is rising and hitting the higher 90. In Celsius the temperature is  36C.

Very cool indeed. The AC struggles to keep up with it.

I am trying to stay cool and figure out ways to avoid overheating  but the AC at the Homes of Hope is not keeping up. I am poring water on my head to stay cool. For instance I have my hair fully soaked in cold water.

I had a very good time the past few days.

Last Friday May 19 I went to the gym with Jerome.

I had my dinner before going there.

I had prepared a good chicken salad. I used the left over chicken I had with a creative pairing of salad.

I had my usual Zumba time.

I came back by myself and I signed back in at 7:15 pm

Last  Saturday May 20th morning  I  spent time taking care of my apartment and of my own clothes.

My mother in Italy is making sure to send me pictures of her daily activities.

These two cats belongs  to my brother Francesco. They are called Morgana and Farang.

On Saturday morning after setting the washers and the driers I went to Trader Joe's
I walked by myself over there and arrived on time for shopping.

I am waking up every day of the week at the same time. It does not matter to me weekend or no weekend. When I am up, it means that my day as started.

Anyway I walked there and  I greeted Jamie. She is the person wearing a blue shirt next to me.
I asked her if she could put the amount I spent  my tab... she mentioned that my tab had to be paid by the very same day.

She even offered to pose with me while I was holding the sign: "No tab for Joseph"

We always have fun whenever I am there.

She is definitely the  person in charge at Trader Joe's.

So at the end I had to pay $85. 23 all at once.

At the store I asked Jamie to fetch me a bottle of Zinfandel.

She looked at me very seriously, she asked me me if your really want it  and she mentioned "Joseph I can grab one for you"

She left me speechless. So I declined politely. She seemed happy by my decision.

This is the list I am using for making my shopping. I cross out each item I  have added to the cart to make sure I am following accurately it. 

I purchased everything on my list. I is all healthy and Organic product that I will use during the week.
This shows the results of my shopping.

I came back with the CNS van. I tagged everything and put it away in the fridge.

Then I  went on to cleaning the whole apartment

I cleaned  the kitchen: the faucet, stove, table and floor

I  move on  cleaning my bathroom very carefully

Taking care of all the hygiene is essential 

I run the carpet cleaner on the carpet of the whole apartment.
I started from my bedroom

Moved on the living room 

I paused  and  took care of cleaning the surfaces from the dust

I ended  up cleaning my  second bedrooms where nobody lives anyway-  I keep it as clean as possible.

I spent time making sure all surfaces and frame were cleaned from any  dust. Because it does not rain there is a lot of  dust around in the hair.

This is the result of my cleaning spree.

Last Saturday  May 20th I took my weight at the apartment.

I am 176.2 lb 
The poor contrast comes from the biased light reflected back by the passive LCD.

On Saturday I wrote a letter in Italian and sent it to my mother in Verona, Italy.

It is good for me to practice again my rusty Italian writing.
It is better each and every time I am writing her.

Meanwhile my mother had a good day with her friends in Italy.

She went to visit a friend her. Her name is Olimpia.

Together there were the usual friends I signori Ongaro

Look at the lush vegetation of the hillside.

This is another pleasant view of the surrounding. 

Last Sunday I went to Church at  S. Philips the Apostle Catholic Church.

There was a good reading from the first letter of Peter.

In it he invites to keep your conscience clear, and says that it is best to do good that evil.
He invites to keep the Lord alive.God is with us.

At church I gave the whole outing money I had worth $24. Because I did not go to the movie last Saturday. I rather give my outing money at church anyway.

After church I asked the sup if somebody could drive me to the market place at William and Sonoma. This is a very posh shops for the home. It is full of all very expensive utensil and fancy equipment.

Anyway I went to to replace the soda stream pressured canister because it had run out last  Saturday morning.

I normally have a full bottle of home made sparkling water at the apartment. It is the same system we have back home in La Canada.

Hence at Williams and Sonoma  I was able to have it  replaced with a new one. It costed me $16.30

Afterward I  went to the gym.

Miss Niche drove me over there as it is too hot for me to walk outside.

In the cool atmosphere of the gym I was able to work on my own program.

Here is a break down. I am following my memory book below.

Each set is composed by  20 repetition each. repeated 3 times.

Lower extremity
Leg curl setting 4   61 lb
Leg extension. Setting 5  74 lb
Leg press. Setting 5  63 lb

Chest  and back muscle 
Chest press. Setting 5  63 lb 
Shoulder press Setting 4,5 and 6 49, 52 and 55 lb
Compound Row 30 lb
Seated Row 40 lb
Seated Pec Dec vert 40 lb

Abdominal and Torso
Rotary Torso 50 lb
crunch 40 lb
VMX. This machine is set at 5. I am pulling a robe for 1000 m of length. It takes me 17 minutes and I  burns 328 cal.

This is a screan shot of the VMX machine.

Before living  I did my accurate Stretching 

At the gym as it always happens on Sunday I met Suzy and her husband Leon.
A middle age couple of people that are very nice.

As I was getting ready to leave I greeted Britney and her sister Keila.

I was driven back by Mr Jarome and by 5 pm I was back at the apartment.

The room at the homes of hope is boiling hot there is not AC available so I will complete it by seating on a bench


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