Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Tuesday May 9 2017

It is a warm day in Bakersfield,
I went back and forth on whether to wear shorts or long pants. Too hot for using jeans today.  I concluded  to come to CNS in shorts.

Everybody is telling me I have to tan my legs... it is really true right now I have  rather pale skin.
I am always applying sun screen protection cream. I do not want to get too much sun on my skin.

I am not able to dark very much.  I do not have that phenotype of skin.

Yesterday my day went according to my expectation

I came home from therapy and cooked a healthy dinner.

A simple frittata with scrambled eggs,  milk, cooked Basmati rice, Parmesan cheese and a bit of salt.
It followed with a healthy salad  of spinach, cucumber, avocado, basil and tomatoes.
Olive Oil and Balsamic vinegar to dress.
A slice of whole grain bread.

Later I was ready to go to the gym.

CNS provided me with transportation.  I was carrying my yoga mat with me.

At the 24 fitness gym   Lilli  was in charge of the yoga lesson. It is actually a lot of hard work. She insists in flexibility and balance. I am doing my best as I have my trouble to keep my legs straight.

There are a few people showing a wonderful strength and agility like Andre
They are arching their back and assuming  what I consider very improbable poses for me.

After Yoga I stayed for my next class.

I had static  cycle with Misty. She is the happy lady behind me. In the picture below

She knows me very well.
The class consists in simulating a hill terrain ride by modulating the resistance of the static cycle.
It is a safe and fun experience

At seven pm - see the clock at the top-  I was ready for leaving the gym.
I stretched accurately- leg- calf- quads - and I called transportation by  CNS and they came and pick me up .
Too hot and cumbersome to walk back with my yoga mat.

So I came back to the apartment, and followed my evening routine.
A nice evening shower, a healthy snack and then  my meds

I slept well and rested well.

Yoga is doing wonder for my back, by realigning my spine and my posture.

My piriformis muscle is stretched and I am feeling well. 

I woke up early as always. I stood slowly and applied an ice pack  to my head at the apartment.

I got ready for my day. I called nursing for some Tylenol. They came and gave it to me as asked.

I went to walk in the park and enjoyed my free roaming 

I enjoyed my walk, the newspaper kiosk was still jammed

Then I  came back to the apartment and had my Organic breakfast

I like to have Oatmeal with Peanut Butter ad Honey.
Cold cereal with Milk and Organic Medley.

Finally a Yogurt with Chia Seeds and a Coffee

The flowers next to the apartment are always a great subject in the morning

Simona and the kids are fine.

I called them this morning and they were ready to go to school.
My wife is very busy for work so inn the next few days.
I took the bus and went to AAC.
Over there I greeted everybody.
Today it was the birthday of a person working there.
As I had brought with me some milk chocolate I gave it to her wishing her a Happy Birthday.

She appreciated the gesture.
 At 11 am I signed out and came here at the homes of hope to work on my memory.

Here I am reviewing the salient facts of the day.

I had my lunch.  I brought some left over to eat and get done with.

I called my mother back in Italy.
This morning while she was reading the newspaper in her bedroom 
a small bird was able to flow into the room. 
It was able to reach an enclosed space between the wall and the big wardrobe to the wall.

So she wondered who to call for help.
She wondered whether to call the police, the firefighter or else.

She asked for some help to a neighbor of hers.

At the end she  had help and was successful in freeing the little bird. It  took off again and   finally it was  free to fly outside into the open space.

A bit of a morning thrill 

Enjoy the reading

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