Monday, May 1, 2017

Monday May 1st 2017

I had a good weekend.

The temperature is getting hotter and hotter so I am staying as much as possible next to the Air Cooler.

Here is a picture of my brother Francesco in Verona Italy.

He is trying his latest sport gear.

He is now flying using a paraglider

Over the weekend two good friends of mine visited me at CNS.

On my right Betty and on my left Riccardo.

I have been knowing  them since the time I was in France at ESRF.

I believe it was the years from 1995 to 1997 that is 20 years ago.

Betty lives in Stanford she is a business owner and personal trainer.

Her daughter Sophia is 19 years old. I remember when she was a new born baby

Her husband Uve is a tall German person. He works at Stanford University.
He used to be a beam-line scientist in Grenoble

Betty mentioned that I went to visit them in Berkeley in 1999. I do not recall this fact, I trust her recollection of the events.

Riccardo is a freelance scientist. He worked for many years at the Synchrotron facility in Japan  and then China. He has been all over the places in the word. He has now returned in Italy in Veneto.

They came to visit me for a day and to catch up with the present and the past.

I showed them my apartment at CNS, the picture of the boys and of my family.

We had a lot of Sushi. I loves Sushi so I  am glad we went to eat it.

I had hot tea to drink, it is good this way.

Finally they brought me back to the apartment, at 4:43 pm I signed out and went to the gym

My weight on Last Sunday is 171.2lb

Last Saturday April 29 I took care of my apartment.

I changed the bed, washed all my clothing.. the usual activity for taking care of my apartment in the local lingo it goes by ADL (Activity of Daily Living)

I  signed out at 10: 05 am and walked to Trader Joe's.

I did my shopping as always over there 
I greeted everybody, I am very popular shopper at that Store.

Jamie was not there last Saturday. Her sister Janette was at the Store.

I shopped and purchased everything. I normally buy food from scratch as I enjoy cooking.

I spent $125.1  of healthy food.

I kindly  asked Janette to fetch a bottle of Limoncello for me.

Of  course she actually did it.  I could not  believe it.  I explained I was simply checking on her training skills and did not touch not take the product.  Her sister  Jamie is always telling me that any similar product that I am asking and does not fit my program is TOS (Temporarily Out of Stock)

My shopping card was  full of good produce.

Once done I called CNS and I returned with the van of CNS driven by miss Amanpreet.

I  returned to the apartment and put all the grocery away . I tagged it and set it in my refrigerator at the apartment.

At 2pm I met with my IPC Ana.

Because  I had  short no cash she gave me $40 of cash advance. This is done  on the trust because Simona had already sent a check to replenish my Personal Account, yet the check had not arrived on time .

I quickly had my lunch and then at about 5pm I signed out on my way to the gym.

My program at the gym is reported above. I worked on shoulder chest and back muscle.
I also worked on abdominal by working on torso, crunch and VMX machine.

I stretched  accurately and then at 6:30pm I started walking back from the gym to the apartment.

I signed back in at the apartment at 7:10pm

Last Friday April 28 I  wrote a letter for my kids in La Canada 

I sent it to the kids last Friday

I also wrote a letter for my mom in Italian and sent it to her in Verona.

For Italy the postage fee is worth four forever stamps.

Among the good and healthy food I made is Farfalle pasta with cooked eggplant, basil and red pepper flakes.

By the way on Friday evening I walked to the gym for my Zumba time

Giuseppe on the left, Carole in pink and Salve in orange

Carol had a new hair style.

1 comment:

  1. Today at the homes of Hope there internet works very poorly
    The electricity fluctuates a lot and the result is a poor network
