Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Wednesday May 10 2017

It is a really nice day in Bakersfield.

It is a nice temperature outside.

Thus far I am dressing with short pans. I am applying sun screen to my skin as I do not want to get exposure to the sun damaging effects.

I am fair skin, fair hair and light green eyes. I am therefore not capable of handling too much sun exposure.
The day in Bakersfield is really nice, a good temperature during the day has lead to convince me to wearing shorts throughout my day. Until it lasts let's take advantage of it.

I had a good Organic breakfast. A bit of Oatmeal with peanut butter and creamy honey.
A bowl of cold cereal with blueberry, milk and Organic Medley and a portion of Organic blueberry Yogurt with Chia Seeds.

This morning the fist part of money management is completed.
At the reception I gave the receipts for the outing money and for the grocery shopping.

I give the all  outing money as offering to the Catholic church of St. Philippe the Apostle.
The grocery shopping is for food. This is the biggest  ticket item for me.

As mentioned once  before I like to eat healthy, Organic food and at the apartment. I am always making my own healthy choices and I am going to Trader Joe's which is more expensive than other grocery supermarkets available to the patients of CNS.
Last week I spent $94.79

I had a good walk around the park
It is a really mild temperature and good  time of the year.

I am always starting my day by walking around the park,  I like it. that way.

At the apartment the usual wonderful flowers so pretty in the morning

It is hard to walk  by and not noticing their progress every day.

I feel was lucky to be able to get the newspaper at the kiosk.

I boarded the bus and went to the Mt Vernon Clinic.

I greeted everybody, distributed the stickers I had with me to the workers's family over there

When the environment calmed down I started reading the newspapers.

I had a Tylenol from Nursing today. I then started reading the newspapers of the day.

When my head is in pain I am unable to do much before I got some Tylenol from Nursing.

The biggest news of the day regards the firing of FBI director Mr Comey by the President.

This story has left many people questioning the latest move of the administration.
I would say the backslash is there. The style of the firing is also open to interpretation.

The FBI director learnt the news from a TV as he was out in the field.

Well, In my opinion it would have been more appropriate for him to receive a phone call from his reporting Officer, read the President. Too much guts or too much of a demanding chain of command. I let you pick which one you like best.

Yesterday evening I came back at the apartment and started cooking.

I determined it was time for me to cook the Atlantic salmon I had purchased last Saturday.

I  panned the salmon with bread crumbs mixed with healthy spices.

I  washed and squeezed the last lemons I had and  produced a flavorful juice.

I used the lemon skin as condiment to cook the fish.
I covered the Salmon fillet with some slices of Eggplants soaked in Olive Oil that I had made earlier  on during the week.

It all cooked gently for 20 minutes in the oven of the apartment.

In the meantime I cooked Organic Brown rice 

This is the top view of the salmon with eggplant and at the left  side the brown rice

Top view of the Salmon after cooking. It is covered with eggplant slices and lemon skin.

This is my dinner which  included a couple of fruit pieces.

I set aside some of the dinner for lunch of today.

I was then ready to go to the gym

Diego dropped me off on time for my body pump class with Ellie.
At body pump I am working on my upper and lower extremity mobility.
I am working on my abdominal for stability.

While my arms are fine, my legs have been historically more troubling to me.

I am working on bending it and improving my walking posture.
At the gym I am pushing hard and harder yet the next day my head is going to feel hurting.

It is a correlation proven many time over and over. This is due to an increase in my blood pressure during my physical exercise at the gym.

They told me I should restrain from trying that hard, yet on the moment I do no feel like limiting myself.
Of course I never charge my body with too much weight. I am not a bulky person rather I am going to the gym for general wellness and agility. I  am happy with my own agility and lean body rather than the other way around.
Afterward I had Zumba with Mike. This is a fun dance with music.

I greeted Salve, Uju, Lucy and many others.

When ready I called CNS and Ms Robert -a sup- came to pick me up to get me at the apartment
As always I followed my evening routine.

Shower and a healthy protein snack: peanut butter with a banana for carbs and potassium.
I slept well and wake up ready for my day.

I called the boys at home and found Chicco who was still half awaken.
At time he is up and running by seven o'clock.

Let's say this is a time for a break from his habit.

So hearing his  sleepy voice I asked him to spent the last minutes of his time trying to relax.

I know he had to go to school so I hope he was able to relax a bit.

For lunch I brought the left over of yesterday cooking spree

Plan for today.

The new schedule will be available.

I am going to take only for me. long has being the time I was distributing to everyone.

I am most likely having dinner with pasta. I still have some salmon. eggplant and Organic  red tomato  sauce to make a wonderful healthy sauce.

Today as every Wednesday I have cycle and body pump.

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