Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Tuesday May 30 2017

It is a hot day in Bakersfield.
It is Tuesday May 30
The local flowers are thriving in this weather.

The day at the park is bright and already hot

The sun is up and running 

My standard Organic breakfast 

Today I went straight from the Swain Center to my work program.

As a part of the road widening they are changing the local landscape.

The city of Bakersfield  has been demolishing some houses along the road.

There is a beautiful old brick house that is being prepared for moving.
Hence it is going to be spared from obliteration.

In this picture you see that it is being lifted and will placed on wheels and then moved to a different location.

My mother sent me this picture from Italy about her food

Last Monday Monday 29  it was Memorial day, so no clinic.

Therefore I had the chance of going to the gym in the morning
The class I took was Cycle with Alma Ortiz here at my right hand side.
Her husband took this picture. She mentioned that she has four daughters.

While walking to the gym I met Larry and his wife Janice. I used to meet them at the gym a lot. I was happy to see them are all doing well.

They invited me to go back to my cranberry  juice and vodka cocktail. 

Afterward I came  back to the apartment cleaned up and  had my lunch.

I had my salmon with mushroom herbs risotto.

I  cleaned all and I was ready to go back to the gym for my Yoga lesson with Lilli

It is hard work this class. Some people are clearly better than me, more flexible and more balanced and more at it.

I have to be careful in keeping my balance while bending my legs.

So I am doing what I can do.

Two days ago I made the salmon with the rice

Last Sunday Monday May 28 I went to church at S. Philips the Apostle on Stockdale Avenue

I had left $4.50 from my outing money as during the weekend I went to the movie.

After church I went to the gym following my own program

A lot of legs, arms. shoulder and abdominal for my balance.

I feel I am walking better..still it is a far cry from before.

Meanwhile in Italy they are all fine.
My brother Francesco has two cats: Morgana and Farang

I remember when our kids went to Verona they fall in love with them.
They really wanted to bring these cats back to US.

At the end the reason of my wife Simona prevailed and the cats stayed back in Italy.

She must have to endure some tough negotiation going on at the time.

Last Saturday May 27 in evening I went to the movie theater.

I watched Pirates of the Caribbean with Johnny Depp.

I liked the movie, a lot of great choreography.

At the movie I greeted Morgan. She seemed happy to see me over there.

Right before entering in the theaters I met Sara Gutierrez my ex- Case  Manager at CNS.

She was watching a show with her 6 years old son Ian.

I was happy I could meet her at the movie theater again.

I showed her the pictures of the boys. I showed her the picture of Lapo ready for his first communion.
I showed her the picture of the boys ready for church all dressed up for the event.

She was very happy to see how much the boys have grown up in recent time.

In the morning I  cleaned my apartment and then walked to Trader's Joe for my grocery shopping.

This is a bird-eye view of the cleaned apartment. 

At some point earlier in the day  I went by myself  to Trader's Joe for Grocery Shopping

I purchased everything on my healthy and Personal list.

I spent $92.93 which actually is fine given the fact I am eating healthy and shy away from Junk food,
Jamie was there as always. She is the woman at my right side.

She was showing me some beverage that I am not supposed to find over there.

I had a good shopping and then my travesty started.

I was left outside the store to wait for the CNS transportation in full view of the normal people that were free to leave whenever they pleased.

In my experience CNS is happy whenever he can humiliate me and they are doing it in every moment of way they can find... doesn't dear CNS?

Here is the email that was sent to CNS

For the record I am UpSet and
I am feeling be taken advantage of by CNS
I was left  like a dog to wait outside Trader Joe's.. I called Twice your service
Perhaps a taxi ?

I would dare to invite you all to prove the same feeling

Thick skin?
Only CNS can make you feeling so
Frustrated and taken advantage of !!

I  am cursing the day I landed on your property

I am deeply deeply offended by all CNS

Here is the complaints form for management to follow up 

Because been left outside the store when I called transportation once, called transportation twice ... you telling me you are coming soon does not sound very professional.

I view this incident as again another example of the humiliation I am receiving here at CNS.

I do not shy away from calling what it is. This amounts to me living one more the example of being subject to a very very poor  service.

If you were my own dependent - as you are because you milk the insurance money- I certainly would call in question your poor service and get rid off the person(s)  that is(are)  responsible for it.
I  believe you do not have any difficult hiring new people anyway, the turnover is pretty high and better jobs with better pays are becoming available in the valley.

Let's  leave it to that dear CNS and Jolanta Baranosky for your own investigation.

By the way I am waiting for your face to face  report on the investigation... deal?

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