Monday, May 15, 2017

Monday May 15

For the weekend I went back in La Canada were I used to be located before my brain injury several years ago. I have been on and off Rehabilitation for the longest time.

Right now my wife is in charge. She is doing her best. She   has gotten used how certain things are working over there. As we discussed  there are a few things that would require a heavy investment of money in order to be put back in order. Right now we do not have that money. Therefore it is what it is. Anyway I am not there that often to expect to be in charge of the house. I am there once in a month max.  I am grown accustomed to be on my own. This is the reality of my life.

The fact is that I sleep far better over there than in Bakersfield, no noises, a better environment overall to sleep for me, this includes not having odd noises around in the neighborhood. No people screening at different time of the night., no inter phone bugging me every single time it pleases.

I have my own medications with me, with no delay I am in charge of taking it always at the right time.

Like yesterday evening nursing had to check my med and they failed in giving it to me as required by the appropriate time.

In La Canada the house is a large single home in a very peaceful cul-de-sac away from the traffic of the road. There is no real traffic noise around, it is a beautiful and peaceful place to be.

We have a second independent unit where we can have a member of the family living with us very comfortably.
La Canada is a  very peaceful place to live. At time I can see the different with my  apartment in Bakersfield. No intrusion whatsoever,  no staff from CNS at any time watching me undressed or bursting in at any time they like. You will never get used to the ubiquitous people of CNS. I feel with no privacy and yet it should be deserved in a place like that.

I have more privacy in La Canada, while no privacy is accorded to me at CNS.

I was back in La Canada and Lapo had his First Communion service at S. Bede church

This is Lapo our youngest son ready for church 

The boys are standing together before leaving the house.
The both of them are  dressed for the event and they look very sharp.

The  church of  S Bede in La Canada

Lapo is walking down to his bench and appears very conscious of his role.

He  had a nice place to sit and followed diligently his First Communion service.

I had brought back home a large piece of Grana that I had received from a good friend of mine from Italy.

It was Lapo's first communion and the next day Mother's Day.

I brought back a few letters for the boys to read.

Lapo received many  presents for that day.
My  family asked Simona to buy a silver  key chain by Tiffany for Lapo

From my mother in law Lapo received this copy of the Bible with a golden  coin of the pope in Rome.

He also got $50 in cash.

From his parents he got a gift card worth $100

We went to Pasadena at the favorite coffee place, it is at the Intelligentsia coffee place.

In the evening Simona had a  dinner organized at home with the usual good group of friends
Simona at the head of the table, at her right  Stefano across from him  you see his wife Jen. 

Next to Stefano you see Raffaella.
Her husband Bob did not feel well  so he rested at home at Beverly Glen.

It was also Mother's Day
Lapo was happy of  showing his present for Simona

These are the  roses that Simona had received

Because Mother's day felt on a Sunday we went back to S. Bede for church.

Afterward we went to iTennis in South Pasadena Chicco had a match against a challenging opponent.

While Chicco was playing on different court, Lapo was playing in a  squash  court  with a borrowed racket.

He had a good time.

After tennis we went back home, picked up my bags and Simona drove  me back in Bakersfield for my Rehabilitation facility.

I signed in at my Rehabilitation Facility at 5pm.

Simona took off and had a smooth ride back to La Canada.

Getting back to CNS is tough.
Nursing was late in bringing me back my medication. if I do not take my buspirone and Divalproex at  certain time my shunt hurts.  Nursing was late in providing me with the medication. And Nursing was all cool about it. As if is not their accountability on the line.

I walked to nursing and demanded back my meds as I am expected to manage my own med.

In my opinion nursing is just providing a paid service because my family pays for the Insurance, the logical conclusion is that Nursing is working for me as well.

Straightforward labor clarification.  A simple labor dispute example.

They work for  my Insurance hence they are my  employer as well

Anyway I woke up on time  and got  ready.

I got the last newspaper of the day

It took me a while to get everything in order so CNS called me at the apartment to be ready for the bus...
well you see I have to do everything by myself so I beg you to  give me a bit of a slack
Beside whenever I rush too much my shunt hurts. Today at wonderful AAC I had a Tylenol

As always I read the newspaper with the news that I found interesting. Basically it is me reading to a mostly an  uninterested audience hence I choose what to read. 

I  stayed in that place as little as possible and as always escaped as soon as possible on my way to my work program, a much pleasant  place to be .

The truth is that today there is  no comfortable tables for lunch.

 Hence  I ate in a corner feeling  like a tiny dog eating  his own lunch in a corner while  trying not to mess around the little space it is given to eat. 

In the meanwhile  the white table  have been set for the others human people.

There are human of class A and human of class B.

According to my present experience I belong to the latter one as I do not have any significant foster parenting role, nor for that matter  I am not the slightest interested in getting into this things.

To tell the truth I find irritating the sounds of little kids, I am not able to withstand them.

By the way today Cee the NRS called me Rossi... Dear CNS I do not expect her to address me with Dr. Rossi my own title but if she want to be respectful then a good way to address me is Mr Rossi, although I would encourage the whole CNS to call me Dr Rossi.

After all I gained  my PhD 

I feel offended by having Cee to address me in a least respectful way.

Enjoy the reading and by the way youTIP her to encourage her effort

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