Friday, May 26, 2017

Friday May 26

I woke up today feeling  my head heavy. I waited for the pressure of my blood to come to a good point. I took a cold shower and did my walking in the park. I could not find a way to get rid off  of my shunt hurting. I therefore went to Nursing to get some Tylenol.

This removes the edge out a bit. On a rather frequent basis I have the right  side of my head that hurts. At times it is my right eyes like today, I feel it pulling from the inside and twisting as if I had something pinching the optical nerve. By the way and coincidentally it happens  on the same side of my shunt. Perhaps an odd coincidence.

More rarely it is my shunt, actually it has been silent for a long time, the Buspirone I am taking is working its magic.

I am now facing pain on the surrounding organs. Specifically it is my right eye where  the pain has moved to.

It is what it is anyway. I took ibuprofen or Tylenol trying to cope with this head pain of mine.

My liver must be feeling the pain of all the load. I am staying within the safety limit of the medication.

Near the apartment I saw a small escargot -snail-lumachella in Italian.

Here it is for your enjoyment.

Certainly the flowers near the apartment are thriving.

I took a walk at the park near the apartment to feel the air.

Today's temperature convinced me to wear long pans and a light jacket over  my polo.

I have a helped around with the trash bags left in strategic location for me.

Stairs up and down while holding a bag. Nobody is forcing me to do it.. and in fact I might be one the only patient  taking  care of it.

This morning it is an unseasonably  cold day.

The forecast is that it will get warmer later during the day.

Here is me at my working place 

Yesterday evening I  compiled my grocery list for next Saturday shopping.

As usual I provided a copy to CNS and I kept a copy for me.

I had my dinner ready and waiting for me because I had previously set the slow cooker.

Hence all I had to do was to eat  a healthy dinner.

I was then ready to go to the gym. I had bodycombact with Scott and then later Zumba with Suzy.

I was  dropped off  by CNS on  time for my first lesson. I stayed until 7pm and then left and returned back by myself to the apartment. As always I called the apartment to let them know I was leaving the gym. They told me to come back rather than to wonder the street at night. Of course I signed back in at 7:30pm. They always tell me "Giuseppe come back"

I had my evening shower and snack and then I reluctantly went to bed when nursing came for  my sleeping medication.
I am always been told " it is bed time now" so I complied  with Nursing.

This morning my  mother sent me a picture with  this funny face. It reminds me of a the Italian painter Arcimboldo

You see his paining here below 

I went to the AAC read the newspaper of the day at at 11 am came to my working place.

At AAC my Case Manager brought me some more Rosemary for cooking.

I appreciate her  supply of fresh herbs.

I had my usual healthy breakfast with Oatmeal, peanut butter, yogurt Chia seeds, cold cereal with blueberry and mixed almond cereal

There is an interesting set of article and pictures related to the Pope Francesco an Mr Trump's visit.

The collections of photos below tells it all in images.

I forgot to add that my lunch is always a healthy one.

Guess who is providing me the rosemary I am using.

You guessed it comes all from my wonderful Case Manager.

Today my plan is to go to the gym again. I have Zumba class

I am not sure who is going to be.

I believe that Carol is back teaching it 

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