Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Wednesday May 3 2017

I had a short conversation with my Case Manager.

She is telling that in a few weeks the AAC is going to move and that Homes of Hope is not going to be anymore available.

She told me to ask at Church what options are available for volunteering.

I have to say that I would like to first of all see a letter from herself to believe what she is saying.

I am personally in no way to be holding myself responsible for this situation.

I have to say I only go once a week at church that is it.

I am not a really hot person when it comes to this matter.

Italian people have a very casual relationship with church.

Perhaps it is because it has been present in Italy for such a long time.

I am not really interested on any of the church activities. I  only accept church once a week. And yet last week I did not go as I had visitor from Italy. Nothing has happened. Absolutely nothing.

So I an tired of feeling superstition by walking a path that right now I am feeling it  is not worth walking at all. A bit of healthy pragmatic approach with the church matter.

Had I been given the choice right now it would be once a month anyway. It did not change my life and my current outcome anyway.

Perhaps the alternative is to stop going all together to  AAC until it gets more organized on the direction they would like to go,

 It is anyway a place I  am not much inclined to be confined.

There is no real therapeutic program over there, there  is  an extremely limited  therapeutic and rehabilitation equipment if you want to consider a tiny pool such a powerful rehabilitation piece of equipment.

In comparison my gym - no pool either - is a fancier place, not this is a place where my family has been paying a membership for me. No CNS either.

First I would like CNS to make sure they are fulfilling their side of the  bargain.

I have been told, I can not do this I can not do that, they are wonderful in telling what one can not do.

The question is guys when you are going to be making plan again?

You guys are just interested in making card with my own pictures of the flowers.. like my Case Manager is currently proposing.

What if I wanted nothing to do with it...

About the  status of the  Old Clinic, here is my assessment.

There is a total lack of equipment and real wiliness to move forward.

No dedicated machines no real time to use it and nothing of nothing.
An over population consumes all of the CNS own resources.

Each single NRS  salary is not that much.certainly it has to compete with minimum wage standard.
The CNS management makes the all money.

Anyway this is matter for CNS as a whole. I am not in charge of that place, the Human Resource Department will deal with the salary pressure if any at all.

CNS has a constant stream of applicants and of new people asking for job.

In my experience they are having no difficult time to hold their strong position. I believe they will not change their salary policy because simply put all they need to do is to replace the ones that ask for more money. 

It is called capitalism  after all.

This is my dinner before the gym

A couple of boiled eggs,  a salad with a lot of fresh ingredients such as spinach, cucumber, heirloom tomatoes anchovies and avocado.

I saved something for my lunch today as I normally do. I eat for lunch what I had for dinner the previous day.

Then I  went to the gym. Miss Robert drove me there  because  it is too hot to walk outside.
Muddy Bakersfield sticky weather.

I arrived on time for Body pump with Ellie. In this class I  have been working on my general wellness.
My extremities were solicited using  light weight. I used barbell gym and hand weight.

I worked on my core and on my general mobility. You know my legs have been historically the issue since my accident. I am struggling to walk well and to jump. Oh yes because having a motor coordination issue is the best part.

At the old clinic I do not have any therapist that follows me for PT. I learnt it quickly.  When I am going to the gym  it is on my family's money and on my own. I like it this way.  I intend to keep it this way

My wife got my membership renewed at  the gym and I do not intend to trade the gym with any other PT activity at the CNS. It there are qualified professional for physical rehabilitation then we can have a chat, pending this matter I am set with my own plan. I am setting conditions and expectations.

Yesterday evening after the gym  set up the slow cooker at the apartment.
I had purchased at Trader Joe's a good piece of chicken. It  is called a  Spatchcocked  lemon Rosemary chicken already marinated in lemon juice.
All I had to do is to open the package and carefully empty  it in the Slow Cooker.

I added some celery, carrot and garlic piece.

I set the slow cooker on low. It  has been cooking over night so it will be ready when I came back today.

Once the slow cooker is done cooking it automatically switches itself into a warm setting to keep the food warm.

it is a large piece of chicken so it hopefully will take care of my food needs for the next several days.

I had a good Organic breakfast as always. Oatmeal, peanut butter with honey, then cold cereal blueberry with milk.

Finally Chia Seeds with yogurt

As every day I walked in the park - it was already hot.

I had fulfilled the first part of the money management.

I returned part of the money for the outing because I only had paid my hair cut, no movie and no church either. I went to Upper Cut. A simple no trill place. I paid $15 plus  $2 tip

I gave the receipt for my grocery shopping $125.61. All spent at Trader Joe's in good nutritional food.

By the way today is Wednesday and there is the latest schedule available at CNS. Yet nobody will move a finger to distribute because they know  they can rely on Giuseppe Rossi service.

Certainly they are not allowed to distribute it.

It is hot so I am going to grab only mine.

There are no surprises each week. It is all very uniform.
Today gym time.

Cycle with Cassie and then body pump with Sylvia

The usual activity of the Wednesday

By the way there is no AC at the Homes of Hope

No cool air

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