Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Wednesday May 17 2017

It is a rather chilly day. I went back and forth on how  to dress  today then I made a safe choice for me.

I woke up with a pain thought my right eye. I felt as if something were pulling it from the inside.

I went to Nursing and got an Ibuprofen. It  took care of it.

In  the morning I had a good breakfast
Oatmeal, honey, peanut butter and cold cereal with fresh blueberry.

The usual flower of the day at the apartment I walked  by and snapped several pictures.

It is my daily routine.

Today's park is a relaxing view, it shows that it is an overcast day here in town.

 I did a few laps around to  fetch the newspaper of the day.

As every Wednesday today is the day for the first part of the money management program for me.

Last weekend I was out of town I had no way for spending my outing money. Today I gave them back   intact.  On the other hand my Grocery shopping- food expense-was significant. I had spend $98.24
It was late in the evening as I went on a Monday afternoon. I picked up a  lot of healthy food. I had not  been thinking it correctly trough. I was supposed to be buying food for only 5 days I ended up buying a lot more. It is fine. I like cooking and I am always  making sure it is all  used in time.

Today I got my newspapers and boarded the van en route to the Mt. Vernon Clinic.
Per my program over there I greeted everybody and read the newspaper of the day.
Among the several level of attentions that I got used to expect.

At 11 am I signed out and came to the Homes of Hope for my program.

I boarded the big bus driven by Alex. While  the bus door  was closing   my right  food got trapped inside it and god smashed in between the returning doors.. auch!. My right big toe is hurting.

We walked back to AAC  searching for somebody from  Nursing. There was nobody available.

The Nursing station was completely unmanned. So force majeure we had to go.

Yesterday evening after therapy I went by myself  to the gym.

I left at 5pm and reached the gym at 5:35pm

I had body pump with Ellie and then a Zumba class.
I was expecting the correlation between the body pump class and my head pain occurred this morning.

As experienced many times,  every time I  do some kind of work out at the gym the next morning my head is in pain. It is a well proven correlation. Yet I keep pushing the boundary of my body. Yet my head keeps refusing to cooperate with  me.

While I had enjoyed my earlier body  pump class with Ellie  the Zumba one was  literally not worth attending  at all.

It is full of screaming,  fanatical and passionate women. It looked as if they had nothing better to do for their day.Certainly it is a release valve for them. Actually it is a release valve for me as well yet it a medical recommendation as well. For me better than to stay at the apartment anyway.

Next time I will be working out rather than attending to it.

I walked back to the apartment and signed back in at 7:25pm

I had a snack before resting.

I made a quick panino with eggplant and brie. I  set it in the oven to warm up and for the cheese to melt.

I took my evening shower and then Nursing - Selina this time- came to give me my night ambient.

It is a potent sleeping aid and it is controlled by Nursing.

Last night I called my home in La Canada the phone is still not working well.

They can not hear me talking while I can hear them talking.

So they call me back to speak briefly with me.

My wife mentioned she was going to replace the phone soon. I am sure she is going to order a new phone using Amazon prime. We do not need anything fancy, just a cordless phone with answering machine for the family. Ideally it would be expandable so that a second handset would be available at   a different location of the house. We will see I am sure my wife is going to make the best choice for the family. After all she is currently in charge of this matter.

Today there is a new schedule to be distributed at the apartment.
Then for the ones interested there is a movie to book for this  Saturday.
This Saturday the choice is quite good so I am going to book for it.

Meanwhile back in Italy my mother is busy with her very intricate medical procedure. She is using a hyperbaric chamber in a location far away from Verona. She has to go there for 40 days to follow the procedure.

I am not fully aware on  why she is using this medical procedure.She mentioned she has to use it for recovering of the left tibia  bone.

Anyway she is using the public transportation to go there.

Enjoy the reading

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