Monday, May 8, 2017

Monday May 8

It is a cool day in Bakersfield.

I prefer the cold to the heat. I can not take the temperature when it is too hot.
It leads to a blood pressure too high for me. Then my shunt hurts.

So I rather prefer the cold temperature.

I dressed lightly.

Last Friday May 5 I went to the gym by myself.
I signed out at 5pm walked to the gym and arrived at 5:30pm

I had my Zumba time with Mike and then left at 6:40pm.

Mike is a cool person, he dresses like a surfer. He has bleach hair and a  necklace.

He told me that he works at Aetna Health Care.

Last Saturday May 6 I took care of cleaning my  apartment.
First of all I washed all my clothes, changed the bedding and washed my bathrobe.

I cleaned the tile floor in the kitchen

I took care of cleaning my bathroom carefully

I  took care of cleaning the dust from all furniture and picture frames I have in the apartment.

I run the carpet cleaner on the carpet of both bedrooms and on the living room.

I took care of cleaning inside the fridge and to check that all the food was up to date and fresh.

I removed the dust from the top of the fridge by standing on a chair, yes I did it.

I washed the  tiles of  the kitchen  floor  with a swifter.

Finally as always it looked and smelled really good ready for another round of cleaning.

I took this panorama picture as I am proud of the job well done. 

At some point in the morning I walked out to do Grocery Shopping at Trader Joe's. This is  place where I love shopping healthy food.

I walked  by myself over there. I  returned with CNS's transportation once I was done shopping.

I purchased everything that was on my list. A lot of Organic and healthy ingredients to eat.

I had the usual positive and fun experience at the store.

Jamie was there as always. she mentioned her daughter is sneezing a lot 

She told me that her sister Janine  mentioned her about last week. Janine was innocently helping me,   she almost helped me to fetch a bottle of Limoncello. It was a good run worth the fun 
Normally Jamie tells me it is TOS (Temporarily Out of Stock)

At the store I met  another person from the local community. Her name is Lucy. She is Daniel's mom.  Daniel works at CNS. Her eldest daughter Briana used to be an NRS at  CNS as well  and now works somewhere else.

A lady that was at the store recommended me to buy Atlantic Salmon vs. the Farmed raised one.

So I purchased it.

I came back home tagged everything and put away the grocery in my pantry.

Later during the day I took time to write to my kids and sent them a letter.
I lament the use of larger and larger truck in this areas.

It depict what I am feeling inside, hence it corresponds to my thoughts.

Here is the envelope that I sent them last Saturday evening.

I sent them the letter last Saturday. 

Here is what my mother in Italy had for dinner last Sunday

Good Italian food.


Salad with Ravanelli and cucumber

I am not going to the movie any longer. It does not matter to me.
I only had bad experiences over there, being forced to watch this show rather than that one, they choose for  me and I do not like it a any longer.

Waiting at the ticket counter for the last patient to be done with his/her show.. too much uncertainty to handle. Not worth it.

As a result I abstain from participating. I do not care I do not miss it.  I am more than fine like that.

On Sunday morning of course I went to church at St. Philippe the Apostle.

I am going to church once in a week and that makes it for me.

If your were to ask me what type of catholic are you... 

I would define myself as a Cafeteria catholic rather than a full menu one.

I am not a orthodox catholic. I do not like  people that shows little flexibility even on the important matter related to church.

I understand the fixed price menu is what most of people like most and it is the most appealing.

Well, I am proud to say I like to pick and choose. 

I went to church and of course gave them the whole $24 for the outing money.
Use it or loose it, I rather give it to church rather than to some other less interesting activity.
Like movie theater or snack for instance.

After church I  went to the gym. The place where I like to be.

I signed out from the apartment at 2pm and arrived at 2:30pm.
I met Leon and Suzy from the community.
A lovely couple in their 60s.

Leon had had removed a mole on his face.

On Sunday there are no classes so I had the time to follow my own program.

1) Leg curl 3x20 at 74 lb
2)  Leg extension 3x20 at 61 lb
3) crunch 3x20  40, 50 50 lb
4) Leg Press 3x20 100, 120, 120 lb
5) Chest Press 3x20 63,63,67 lb
6) compound Row 3x20 65 lb
7) seated Row  3x20 40 lb
8) Rotary Torso 3x20 50 lb
9) crunch 3x20 x50lb
10) seated pec dec vert 3x20 40 lb
11)  VMX setting 5, 1 mile in 16.5 minutes and 329 cal

I avoided the stepper as my sciatic nerve is recovering and I do not want to irritate it again with some bad movement and strain.

I stayed until 4:30pm when I  left and walked back to the apartment.

I signed back in at 5pm.

On Sunday during the day  I took my weight at the apartment, It is 176lb
Hard to take a picture of the LCD display. It is a polarized light so you need to get the right angle in order to take a picture.

So here is the log of my Sunday per the description above

Enjoy the view of the roses

Meanwhile my mother back in Italy is telling me that my brother is suffering from Otitis.

He contracted it enjoying paragliding.
This is the latest sport that he is getting all excited about.

He is flying as much as he can, no matter of the health consequence for him.

My mother is trying to make him reason a bit, then she is telling herself that his wife will perhaps have to take care of himself.

My brother's age? 47 years old.. how about that...

This morning I went to AAC, I read their newspaper as the kiosk was out.

Apparently the distribution service is not considering the Bakersfield place an important service.

My lunch, last gnocchi completed for today.

Enjoy the day

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