Friday, November 14, 2014

Friday Nov 14 posting

Last night my Simona came back from a working meeting in Washington DC where she met with program managers related to her work. The program managers are the person in charge of distributing the funding to university professors.

So she came back last night late while Andrea, Simona's brother and my brother in law was taking care of our kids.

Yesterday evening I went to the 24 fitness gym where I danced Zumba with Mike,

At the gym  Jena came by to greet me by say Hi Joseph,
I greeted Crystal, Tiki, her daugher Kashi.
I then started doing cycle with Lolita and it was time to go back to the apartment.

As usual I snapped a picture of a good person over there. This time it was Kaia.
Frank the manager was busy with his customers.

My RT activities started by snapping this picture

And by helping Jarron with his work. I am always goofing around with all of the maintenance guys.. They know me very well and they are used to kid with me in the morning.
So  this is me helping them with positioning the cones.

At the center I talk to Don my counselor: Do had this sentence of Mark Twain written on his white board: " I had many problem in my life, most of them never happened".
It means his problems are in his thoughts.

Today after meeting with Don I went on doing my RT.. it is Running on the treadmill. 
I normally talk to Darlene our scheduler on Thursday for agreeing on the activity for Friday.
So I run happy and steadily.. the fact is that I like running a lot.. it makes me feel strong and clearly free from worries and pain. 
As usual I dedicate my work to Simona my wife and to all the people that have been close to me.

As usual after running I need a few minute to cool down.
Well it is time for me to go.
I saw Sarah my Case Manager as she is back to work.
I am sure she has borrowed from me some PTO, I have so many accumulated thus far.
Mon amour it is all for you!

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