Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Tuesday November 11 Veteran Day Entry

I have never been in the service, as a matter of fact I have replaced it by doing my PhD in France..
So it has been more useful to me that way. It started my carrier in Science and it allowed me to come to US and to drag with me wife Beautiful wife Simona.

Simona is currently on a business trip to  Washington, I guess she is going to meet with NSF officials because of her job. She is a Professor of Atmospheric Science and Engineering at Caltech.
She is currently the head of our household.

While on this trip Andrea her brother did come from Belgium to stay with our children.
Our children have been staying at home because Simona was away and Andrea was at home with them.

This morning it was my pay day.. so Michael paid me my biweekly salary for outing and for grocery.
Thank you CNS and Sarah (my Case Manager)

Yesterday I did Yoga at the 24 fitness gym, and Robert did my coverage. Jessica is the lady at my right hand side. Her son Jacob is the toddler in between. Jacob is now 3 years old. He has the same name as Jacopo our youngest son. Erica is the smiling lady at my left hand side.

After the gym it was time to go back home. I took a shower get a late snack (Piadina) and call the night.

This morning I woke up early as usually to get ready for my daily work at CNS. I had a really good breakfast. Simona was busy but yet I managed to get with her breakfast together with Sarah my wonderful Case Manager at CNS.

As a first therapy I worked with Zeina on my CR (PT for the mind). This is a Paste and Copy of my results.

) 7 letter 5 second 9/20=45%  time 17.25%
2) Deductive reasoning  level 10 42/50=84%  58.1 sec
3) Cause and Effect level 10 13/15=87% time 19.4 sec

As I am moving higher in the setting my score are adjusting and getting  back into track.
After all since it is PT for the mind, anytime there are new setting it takes a bit of time to readjust to it, exactly like it is with the weight for the body.
After CR I did yoga with Amy. I brought her a letter for her two daughters:  Olivia is 4 and Madison is 11. I brought a letter for Madison and a drawing for Olivia. We have been exchanging little notes and  signs of courtesy for a few months now. Amy has been showing me pictures of her family: her daughters and her husband. They are all a very happy family and their girls clearly look like their parents. It is like my family: our boys look like Simona and me, Chicco our eldest looks like me while Jacopo our youngest is from my wife's family. They are happy and very active boys. As Simona keeps them very active and busy. I am certain that they are all well. As Simona is on the top of everything. 

Switching back to Yoga, this morning  Amy mentioned to me that tomorrow she is going to bring me a Yoga mat as she knows I am doing Yoga at the 24 fitness gym  in addition to  doing Yoga here at CNS.

Amy confirmed that she has many yoga mats at home so tomorrow she is going to bring me one. So thank you Amy for your thoughtfulness.

Today at CNS I met a new lady, she is an observer in OT. Her name is Jennifer or Jen for short.
I have wrote it in my memory book so that I can remember it.

It is time to go.
Enjoy the reading.

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