Friday, November 7, 2014

Friday November 7

Yesterday I went to the 24 fitness gym. Beforehand I had dinner with Broccoli and Burrata.
Dinner is in theme with my family .. as we call our boys brocccoli and Burrata is a soft cheese from Rome

Simona was busy with her own Zumba at a different gym so I went ahead to do my exercise,
At the gym Jessica was there to greet me as usual. Jessica is the lady smiling next to me ( I am the guy with the Caltech hat). Jessica told me that next week she is moving to the Camarillo gym so no more picture with her within a week time.

I did my Zumba with Mike, afterward  I stated doing cycle with Lolita and my coverage was over so it was time to go back to the apartment. Lisa was so courteous to provide me with a timely transportation and I appreciate her care and punctuality.
yesterday evening was too cold to stop by for a beer so we came back directly back home.

This morning my wife left early as usual she went to her job at Caltech and she took our kids to school at LCE.

This morning Jemena Abigal came to greet me and to make sure I was OK, she had the time to snap a picture of me with my family and with Sarah my Wonderful Case Manager.

Speaking of Sarah today she is traveling out of the office. I am sure she has an important business to do somewhere. She is always traveling somewhere. God bless you Sarah Gutierrez..
Well speaking of God, I am one of lucky one that came down with an AVM and survived it, In a way I won my lottery as well, it is a very important lottery.. there is a very good price at the end it requires patience, effort and constant pushing oneself' to get better.

This is a nice picture of Patience.

This is a nice image of Effort

This is an image of Kaizen or also known as Continuous Improvement 

Kaizen is a Japanese word that is at the base of an philosophy for approaching life in a productive and industrious way.

As the characters above suggests it embraces changes as being at the base of  the entire life.

I talk to Don my Counselor and time went very fast. He is a good and very pleasant person to talk with.
Afterward I did my Recreation Therapy that Consist in running. I run smoothly and happy to run. And I dedicate this effort of mine to Simona, my wife, to Sarah and to my personal enjoyment.

As I  mentioned to you I like running it makes me feel good and strong. Here at CNS it is well known, so I run as much as I can.
It is lunch time.
Enjoy the reading.

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