Sunday, November 2, 2014

Sunday November 2 2014

the computer is really unstable today..
quickly to get through the most important facts.

Baci to Simona my love.. I fee you upon me..I trust you and relay on you..

Sarah knows it, she is my Case Manager here at CNS.. she is always covering for me in meetings and in different activities.

I wrote to my my family today: to my wife in Italian and to my eldest son  in English and block letter.

For our youngest son I have collected a pine cone. Lapo is 5.5. years old an he is happy with some simple things from me. Often I make simple drawings for him is a simple way to let him know that I care for him as well.

The little present is for Simona, last time she came to visit me she was so tired that she forgot to take it with her. 

I like writing to my family a lot.

After lunch I went to do recycling: clouds upon us. 

I helped Kyle, greeted Michael and got a bit of fresh air.
It was worth 50 cents..I think so, I am not going for the money of course..
My wife Simona called me as today they were busy with Chicco Catechism back at S. Bede in La Canada at home.
Chicco goes to Catechism to do First Communion and Christensen  at once.
So today my family was busy down there.

Simona is clearly keeping our household together while I am here at CNS to get  better.
Part of my work right now is to keep track of my whereabouts and to keep my daily log up to date. 

Today I am going to church.. I am better getting ready for it and to cook something.
Any way thank you CNS, and Sarah, and mon amour ..


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