Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Tuesday November 25

it is a beautiful day in Bakersfield, a bit cold as it is about  60 F.
Today I spoke with Erica my CR therapist and we discussed about a plan to move forward. Erica is always a nice person to talk to and I feel that after our conversation with have always a clean slate (This is Erica's encouraging favorite expression)
Speaking about Erica she mentioned that her daughter Sun is teething and she is waking up during the night to play with her. Sun is a few months old.

Moving forward I just had yoga with Amy, I like working with her and she is always making sure we do a lot of good exercises. Over time I came to know the whys of the movement we are doing in Yoga.
As usual I have brought a small letter to her two daughters: Madison is 11 and Olivia is 4 years old. Over time we have been exchanging little  present and drawings. It is good to think about them and to behave as I am doing with my kids.

Speaking about family our kids are in break from school for the whole week. I called yesterday at lunch and had a lengthy conversation with Chicco our eldest now 9 years old. I briefly said hi to Lapo our youngest son now 5.5 and he was busy eating lunch, so he quickly said hi to me  and went on to finish eating.
So our kids are well.

Yesterday I have received a surprise  gift from Simona my wife. She sent me a new water bottle.

This is my new water bottle... I must remember to keep it for as long as I can ..

I have just been paid my  CNS it is my biweekly salary for Grocery and Outing.
It is a good program and it allows to to be able to administer some money by myself.
I normally have no problem with the money for outing while I need to pay more attention with my expenditure for Grocery Shopping... I am learning to be frugal in my purchasing beside Simona my wife is helping me by giving me some extra cash.

Well yesterday I went to the 24 fitness gym and I had Yoga. The teacher is Erica who is pictured here below at my right hand side.

At the gym I met Naomi the former Manager over there. She is the lady at my right hand side.
Naomi is now a teacher.

At the gym I have snapped a picture with Melissa.. She knows me as she trust me 

After  Yoga I had the chance of starting doing cycle with Lolita and then the coverage was over. 
Alexis did my coverage at the gym yesterday and it was so fun to have around. She mentioned to me that I am a social butterfly as I am greeted everybody at the gym. 
After the gym I  invite Alexis to go back to the apartment as it was too cold to grab a couple of long neck.. She laughed at my good humor and at my proper use of the English language.

After a good shower and a snack I went to bed to start a new day.
Here is my good snack and my water bottle.

This morning I was sleeping too well so my wife did not wake me up.. however I smelled in the air her perfume.

Time for me to go to lunch
Enjoy the reading

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