Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Wednesday November 26 post lunch entry

Already after today's activities I had a good lunch

The picture below shows my staffed mushroom and my  chicken drums baked with Russel roasted potatoes. The rosemary comes from the CNS garden. I leaned a spot where I can get it so I am collecting a bit whenever I am cooking.

At lunch I talked to our two sons at home. Chicco our eldest is 9 years old while Lapo our youngest is 5 and one half.

They are both at home enjoying their school recess.
Chicco is in IV grade while Lapo is in Kindergarten.

I have talked to Simona my wife who is working hard and getting ready for the short Thanksgiving break.

Out of frustration I have pulled apart the little note that I had  made a few months ago. It contained some personal information that Sarah my Case Manager had transmitted to me at the time. I left it on Sarah desk so today Sarah came by to wish me a good day and a good vacation.
She showed me her smile and  appreciation and we snapped the following picture together.

Well perhaps the effect of the sentence that I have heard at the radio is making its effect.
This is the sentence: The squeaky wheels get the grease. I personally don't like to  compared myself to a squeaky wheels but perhaps once there is no grease available it is a fact that any wheel gets squeaky.

As Sarah says: what is done is done.. you have to move on and as such in observance of  the respect and gratitude for Sarah and CNS I am moving on.

For Thanksgiving Holiday I will be going home. I will be home until Sunday when  I will come back on time for church.

At home Simona mentioned that I will be helping our eldest son with his homework. He has several artistic drawing to do, Simona mentioned that I am the only one in the family that has an artistic inclination. She is right I like a lot working with art and drawing.

I am going to gladly help my son.
I will be bringing to both of them some simple gift that I have been receiving at the clinic from Amy's daughters.

I am going to have a very good Thanksgiving time with my family.

God Bless you Sarah for all your patience with me and your heart.
I am sure you will be having a blessed Thanksgiving day with your Husband and your sons Elisha, Ian and Mason. 

Thank you Sarah and CNS..

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