Friday, November 7, 2014

Friday November 7 2014

Here is the news blog for CNS

A world update
A news about the US attacking militants in Syria is the news. The US is making sure that in Syria militants are neutralized before they become operational, As such the US has been adopting the strategy of targeted areal assaults to neutralize any potential threat.  A French national that was a skilled bomb maker has been killed in the strike as well. This bring the attention of US to the fact that in Europe some fringe extremist have been joining the  jihadist movement,
The Central Command of US is making sure that the monitoring of the terrorist network is under control. It is also taking any decisive action that is considering necessary to protect the US interest worldwide.

A local news
  This is a very interesting news about the local pollution and it is related to atmospheric condition. In Bakersfield there is an inversion layer that traps the air from mixing in the upper layers of the atmosphere. Has a result the local pollution is increasing, specifically particulate matter is increasing. As such it is recommended to limit driving and burning in local house fire. These measures are aimed at curtailing the strong particulate sources that are one of the factors in the local air pollution.

A  feeling good news
President Obama has assigned the Medal of Honor to a fallen hero. The soldier is Lt. Alozo H. Cushing and he was killed during the Battle of Gettysburg 150 years ago. The fallen hero stood among the enemies and kept his cannon firing until he was overwhelm by the enemy forces.
The Medal of Honor was handed to Helen Loring, now 85,  who is  the  closet leaving relative of Lt. Alonzo H. Cushing

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