Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Wednesday November 12 enty

Yesterday it was a Tuesday and I had nothing to buy for Personal Shopping.
Hence rather than going to buy things I do not need I went to the 24 fitness gym to do boot camp with Johnny,
Before going to the gym I have been preparing some writing for my eldest son Chicco who is 9. I am writing to him in English and block letters.

I have prepared a small drawing for our youngest son Lapo who is 5.5 years old. 
The car is because Simona's brother is at home and he has brought the boys some small presents. 
To Lapo Andrea brought two Lego sets as he likes Lego very much.
To Chicco our oldest Andrea brought  3 small soccer balls and the Germany soccer team small figures for playing table soccer at home.

Andrea is in town as Simona's is attending a working meeting in Washington. She will be back late tomorrow evening. She is gone at the NSF main headquarter to talk about funding for her work. My wife has a challenging job at Caltech University as she is a  Professor of Environmental Science and Engineering over there. 

I have been dedicating my time to preparing  some  chicken drum sticks with potatoes on a bed of sweet onions. Also I have been baking staffed portobello mushroom. I have staffed it with a mixture of crumble bread, spices and garlic. I have been baking it for about 30 minutes on medium temperature. Afterward together with the chicken drums I have been broiling it for a 15 minute. This was a good move as they came out with a good crust on the top..

It came out perfectly done.. 

Afterward I went to the gym to do bootcamp  with Johnny.
At the gym I greeted Sharita, Crystal, Steve and Pete.
Before leaving I snapped the usual picture with Jessica, the girl with the red Polo next to me.

She mentioned that today it is her last day here in Bakersfield, afterward she is going to go to the Camarillo facility.

So farewell to Jessica you have been a great source of inspiration. Thank you for showing you son Jacob.
After the gym it was time to come back to the apartment for a shower.
This morning I came here at CNS worked on my CR (Blog entry with Michelle). Afterward it was time for Yoga with Amy. Today Amy brought me a Yoga mat as on Monday I do Yoga at the 24 fitness gym. 
So here it is my wonderful Yoga mat. 

I am using it when I go to the gym and do Yoga with Erica. She is the lady at my right hand side in this old picture. She is happy to see me attending her class. So now I have a full length mat to attend her class, Thank you Amy for your big heart.

Alright it almost time to go.
Please enjoy the reading.
Thank you CNS and Sarah for you big heart!

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