Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Wednesday November 19

Already, I am better starting from the results of my doctor appointment this morning.
With Susanne my Nurse at CNS I  went to Dr. Nelson Madrilejo. He is in charge of my growth hormone treatment since my injury. Currently I am off my  shot of IGF1 -growth hormone- and I have been off for the past two months (since September 29th).

Dr. Madrilejo found me well and in good spirit. Everything with the insurance was ready to go for me.
While in his office, I was carefully checked: my pulse is normal and my weight is 186 lb fully dressed.
The Lab results was ready and my IGF1 is at 150, the average for a healthy person is 160. So right now I am a little below. Dr. Madrilejo mentioned that it is still OK.

The way my brain goes back in been stimulated in  producing the growth hormone is by doing a lot of exercise.

This is why I am going to the gym  everyday except on Saturday -movie time and on Sunday -church time.
This is why it is clearly part of my rehabilitation to have a certain time at the clinic afterward going back to the apartment, have an early dinner and later go to the gym where I  exercise for about one hour.

It is all good the next time Dr. Madrilejo would like to see me is in 3 months(February 18)
This morning I have received a package from my wife Simona.. it is a pair of Jeans. I have not fit it yet,,I am sure it will be OK since she sent me already another pair of Jeans a couple of days ago.

Yesterday evening I went to the 24 fitness gym to do bootcamp with Johnny.
It is all good more exercise for me. Stability and equilibrium is all good for me.
At the gym I met Debby as well she mentioned that she remembers me. Next time I see her I will be able to recall her name. 

I greeted the whole community of the gym.

I went with Alexis who provided coverage for me over there, as right now I am  allowed to go by myself.. it is all good this way. Actually it is a big effort by CNS to keep up with my schedule.

As usual at the gym I snapped a picture with  a person over there , and it was Melissa who  stood next to me at my left hand side. 
Part of my therapy is going to the gym..

Afterward we went back to the apartment to grab a warm and soothing shower.
It was too cold to stop along the way.. I even Invited Alexis for a stop to a nearby Starbucks and she politely declined. ( I is Ok because we both know I am just kidding)
This morning I  was on time for doing my Yoga session ( I was wearing Jeans since I went to the doctor). I then worked on my CR, it is PT for the mind as Sarah Gutierrez my awesome  Case Manager tells me. Finally I had a really yummy lunch. Chicken Tender in crumb bread with Spinach and avocado salad.

Going back to yesterday I wrote a letter to the boys. It is in English and Block letter. I wrote to my boys a lot. It is a gesture of kindness for them.

I cleaned the apartment very thoughtfully as I have found some hats around. I am very careful with all the food around and all the cleaning.
I like to leave in a clean house.
Beside James mentioned he does not like ants as they drink all his beer as well.
Well sincerely

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