Friday, November 21, 2014

Friday November 21 post lunch entry

Already, I called home and found Chicco our eldest son who was already at home together with Lapo our youngest. Chicco was at home as he had a collaboration day at school, and as such it is a shorter day.
He mentioned that together with his brother they had fish, corn and pasta for lunch.
This afternoon he is going to tennis practice with his tennis teacher Mike. He will go there together with a friend of his as Simona my wife is busy at her work at Caltech.
Lapo is going to stay at home playing. Lapo likes to play with his Lego set, as such Simona my wife makes sure that he has once in a while a new box that is suited to his level. Lapo is always aiming for a bit set and Simona is bringing him back to reality by offering him some reasonable alternative.

Going back to my work today, I chatted with Don my counselor, Don looks to me as Robin Williams in Good Will Hunting.  Don is a very good person full of good idea and very positive in his approach to me. Don mentioned to me that he will be heading to visit is brother in Idaho close to Boise.
I remember that when I was working for Micron Technology in California I used to go to Boise Idaho to Micron's headquarter. A nice place,.. quite cold during winter time.

After Don I went to do my RT.. a good run at the clinic. I run smoothly and very happy to be able to run again. For me it is very important to stay active as it is part of my recovery and to stimulate my brain to get back to its original state. Right now I am very close to be a healthy patient and frankly it is going to take another few months. The next doctor appointment is for mid February.

today I have been told that Naveen a patient here at the clinic goes back to India where he is from.
His dad told me that it is a very long flight. So all the best to you Naveen.

For lunch I politely asked the staff to take this picture of me. I always do that and staff politely complies. As usual I allowed to take picture only of myself which precludes other patients or staff because of privacy rules. I understand it and I am policing my own pictures. Whenever they do not comply with the rules I delete from my phone... this is happening very rarely.

This is me before lunch...showing off my new jeans from Simona.

This is my wonderful lunch.. staffed  Portobella mushroom, chicken drums and Russel roasted potatoes.

Now let me go back to yesterday.
Before ending my day I wished a good night to Simona and to our kids.

Yesterday after therapy I went to the gym to dance the Zumba. Robert did my coverage at the 24 fitness gym. I danced Zumba with Mike and then I started doing cycle with Lolita and it was time to go. At the gym I met Jenna, she mentioned her boy is getting bigger and bigger. Also I met Tigi and her daughter Kashi. Also I met Crystal and so many other people of the community.
Before leaving Frank the manager mentioned he would be out today. 
As usual I snapped a picture with Melissa over there at my left hand side.

At the gym they know me very well and whenever there is somebody available to take a picture with me they comply patiently.
If they are too busy it is OK.

In a little bit I need to go.
Please allow me to wish to all of you a really good weekend.
I will see you back this Monday.

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