Monday, November 3, 2014

Monday November 3 2014

Alright, yesterday it was a Sunday and we went to church with Mark and other patients. At church ( I am going to St. Francis church in H street) we had a special mass for the Holy Saints celebration. The church was packed by all the local parishioners. I had  no problem in finding a place for me in a first row.  The celebration is  an uplifting experience and it renewed my sense of faith and community. That is why I like going to church every Sunday.

At church I  greeted Coral and her kids. Although because of the crowd I  did not have a place to seat close to her family. Normally I seat next to her family, Her kids are 19, 14,11 and 7 years old. Coral came back afterward to say hi to me, and to wish me a good week. Coral knows me as Joseph.

I had a place where  I was close to Martin and his family, Martin works as well here at CNS. He is a counselor. He was there with his wife and his daughter.

After church we came back home at the apartment.

Today Dustin is back from his trip to Texas. And as a mater of fact he lost 10 pounds, he looks thinner but younger.. most likely it is his latest hair cut style that makes him look himself again. This reminds me the story of Samson. This is a picture of Samson the good an strong giant that had his strength on his long hair.


Erica-sama  from CR just showed me pictures of her family for Halloween. Her daughter Sun was dressed like a Lion.  Sun is 11 months old.

This morning as every Monday I brought a nice letter to Sarah my wonderful Case Manager here at CNS.
It is a thank you note together with Stickers for Ian her youngest son. It is a memory task for me and an act of kindness on her behalf. Sarah is very busy.. she has there sons: Elisha, Mason and Ian. Ian is the youngest.  We have been a lot together and she has always looked at me with a lot of patience and understanding for me my odd reaction I used to have.
The best suggestion she has ever given to me is that " You can't change your past but you can change you future by moving on .." what is done is done..
Sarah is a wonderful person  full of wisdom and of Patience.

I am copying this definition of Patience ( from Wikipedia)

Patience (or forbearing) is the state of endurance under difficult circumstances, which can mean persevering in the face of delay or provocation without acting on annoyance/anger in a negative way; or exhibiting forbearance when under strain, especially when faced with longer-term difficulties. Patience is the level of endurance one can take before negativity. It is also used to refer to the character trait of being steadfast

Hence thank you Sarah again.. and of course Mon amour Simona.

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