Thursday, November 13, 2014

Tuesday November 13 posting

Yesterday I went to the 24 fitness gym.
I had a blast greeting everybody over there, I  worked out first and then did body pump with Silvia.

At the gym I greeted Kaia and many other acquaintance of mine. Good friends I met are Larry and his wife Janice. Social acquaintance are Pete and other..

I had a blast already by working on my CR with Zeina.. getting faster and better every time  is like running ..I worked on my mind bender book 3  and achieved 100% on today's work.

Then  I worked on the  Parrot program  with 7 letter and 5  secs. I have achieved 65% score with speed 16.15.. faster and better.
I have also worked on Deductive reasoning level 10 and achieved 88% score, speed was 37.1
It is getting better and faster day by day.
Afterward I had my recreational run for today.. whenever I run a feel happy and strong.

Steve was doing my coverage for today.. This is the snapshot of my run.. a bit more than 2.5 miles,,
I have always been loving running. So I run happily.. Whenever I run it takes time for me to cool down .. Here at CNS they know it and I normally borrow an extra T-shirt that I bring back the following day.

My wife Simona just mentioned that at  Washington it is gone all well. She is going for a meeting with her program managers as it is important for her to keep up with them as they are the ones to decide to fund her research projects. Simona is Assistant Professor of Atmospherics  Science at  Caltetch University.
Time to go..

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