Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Wednesday November 26 2014

As this is Education, and my Education consists in recalling the salient events of yesterday here is the list.
Yesterday I left the clinic and went to do some sport as I had no Personal Shopping to do.

First I had my dinner. Chicken drums,  a salad with spinach, avocado, carrot, tostadas from Simona my wife. I drank also  lemon tea.
I am always having my dinner before going to the gym.

It was a Tuesday and I went to the 24 fitness gym to do bootcamp. As I am not allowed yet to go by myself Robert drove me and did my coverage while over there.

The local instructor was Johnny. I did my best at bootcamp and I have enjoyed every single exercise.
At the gym I met Debby, Kashi her dad and her mom.

Here is Melissa at my left hand side, smiling with me.
She mentioned that for the Thanksgiving weekend she is going to S.Diego to visit her parents.

I politely asked her to bring me back some sand.. she politely answered that she will try her best provided that she remembers it...

 Finally after bootcamp it was Zumba time and I stayed to dance Zumba with Mike.. in life everybody has its own Zumba to do..I dance Zumba at the gym, Simona has its own Zumba by keeping our household in good shape.

Before leaving I snapped a picture of Kaia as well, she is a nice person as well.

Finally I greeted Frank the Manager and went back to the apartment.
Robert was quick to bring me home and as it was that cold we did not stop along the way..
I went home get a soothing shower, grabbed a banana snack and went to bed.
Today I woke up early as usual and got ready for my day of therapy.

I started doing CR with Erica and got a bit frustrated and explained her my feeling.
She mentioned that she understands it and that she is on my side.
In talking about Erica she mentioned that her daughter is sleeping fine however her husband Jessie is snoring during the night.
Erica is always positive and very strong during the day.. That is a good quality of being resilience that I appreciate very much.
At the clinic I had yoga with Amy.
She has two daughters: Olivia 4 and Madison  11.
Yesterday I brought them a thanksgiving card  and today I have received a drawing from Olivia, a bracelet and a phone older from Madison. 
You see we exchange this little gifts in sign of appreciation and affection for each others. I would do the same with my sons.

Speaking of our sons, Simona my wife mentioned that for Thanksgiving vacation she has a surprise. I am leaving tomorrow  for four days. At home I am going to help our eldest son doing his art work. Simona mentioned that he has some drawing to do and I am gladly going to help him with it.

Enjoy the reading..
It is lunch time.

1 comment:

  1. It's great to do a variety of classes and exercises to keep your workouts varied and interesting, you are much more likely to stick to it if you don't get bored! I like to incorporate healthy eating with cardio and strength to see the quickest, most effective changes in my body and fitness levels.

    Catarina @ Wild Fitness
