Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Tuesday November 18

Already, I am working hard from my office at the clinic.
It is a nice and bright place where I can work on my memory.
As such you are going to see a lot of pictures with the people in the community..
they know I am taking pictures for my own personal use, and everybody allows me to be in the frame.

Yesterday  it was Monday and when I came back to the apartment I have been cooking the following: chicken tenders breaded and dressed with some healthy spice, I have also been making cut potatoes with some rosemary from the CNS garden. It was all baked in the oven .. Obviously with the presence of Simona my wife.

After having dinner I have been going to the 24 fitness gym  to do Yoga.
At the entrance I was greeted by Melissa, the smiling lady at my right hand side.
I am holding the blue mat that Amy gave me last week. So now I have a Yoga mat on my own.

Erica is the lady with the green mat standing next to me ( I am always the one with the blue mat).
Erica was happy  to pose with me and she mentioned that she trusts me to use the pictures with her  wisely.

At the gym I was greeted by Frank the current Manager.
I went to the gym with Diego Rivera .. Diego is is first name but Rivera is not his really  second name.. it is an expedient for me to remember Diego's name.
After Yoga with Erica there was cycle with Lolita but my coverage was over and so we came back to the apartment.
As it was a cold evening we did not stop to the local Starbucks for my evening Cappuccino and we went back straight to the apartment.
After a hot shower and a bit of a snack I went to bed,
This morning I wake up early for work as usual and I was up an running.

I had a good breakfast thinking about my family and thanking Sarah my Case Manager at CNS.

I took the bus on time -before hand as Paul left me the Trash to trow I had no problem to help him out.
I greeted Jarron, James and Brad at the maintenance department.
As I have ants in my apartment I made sure they knew were they are located and before leaving I have prepared the cupboard that needs attention.

At the clinic I did my CR work with Zeina. CR is PT for the mind.
The next time I am in CR Zeina mentioned that I should do  Logical Thinking Level 4 instead of the current Deduce level 10
I have written down her advice in my memory book and then marked in green color marker.

I did my best in CR.
Afterward I had Yoga with Amy, she is really a good teacher and many movement we do here at the clinic are very similar to the ones I am doing at the 24 fitness gym.
I have brought for her two daughters a letter and stickers. Madison is 11 and Olivia is 4. Over time I have been exchanging  simple drawings and letters with them as a gesture of kindness. Amy and her daughters like it and I personally think it is a very nice behavior of being considerate of her family.
Tomorrow I will not be in Yoga as I have a very important Medical Appointment. I am going to see Dr Nelson Madrilejo  my endocrinologist. He is in charge of my treatment with the growth hormone.
I am going over there with Suzanne my nurse. I leave from the apartment at 8:30 am
I have been off the growth hormone for a couple of months now  as the last test showed that my brain has started to recover after 3 years. This is basically a follow up to make sure it is all right.
I am doing my bests.. and this is the key.
Looking upward and  getting stronger and better everyday.


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