Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Tuesday November 4 2014

Dustin just told me  a good method that he uses with Leila his little daughter.

As Leila like to watch TV, when she does thinks correctly like her homework she gains a token. The token can be then used in a certain number to buy TV time. It is a reward method that it is very simple and smart. I believe at home with out kids they would be checking at each other to make sure each one maximizes its own  time. We talked about this matter in the context of the home use of the WII Sony play station that has been acquired by Simona for the kids. The WII come from Marina our nanny, it is a second hand toys. It has not been that expensive, and the kids love it.

Yesterday I wrote a letter to our boys. I am writing to the both of them. As only our eldest Chicco (9 years old) can read it I am writing to Chicco in English and block letter, making sure thought that I am including Lapo in my writing. For Lapo our youngest who is 5.5  I am always preparing a simple drawing with some simple words so that with the help of Simona my wife he can go trough it.

We have two boys and in my opinion is good to think about them all.
I am also writing to Simona my wife..

Yesterday I went to the gym, Celina's was so kind to drive me over there and to take me back afterward.
At the gym I greeted Jessica, she is the lady with long hair, standing at my right hand side.

I also have greeted Tucker.. she is the lady smiling in this picture. Tucker has a splendid Oxford accent as she comes from Oxford,England.

At the gym we were supposed to have a Yoga class but it got cancelled so I did some cardio instead while waiting for the class for Lolita starting, It is a bicycle class. Lolita is a very nice person that works at the gym for fun as she mentioned to me that otherwise the gym salary does not cover her bills. Nevertheless she is a very good teacher capable of motivating the whole class. When it was time to go she greeted my by saying " Have a good evening Joseph"

Before leaving the gym I greeted Frank the current manager . He is a very good person and capable person. He mentioned that he likes the gym location here in Bakersfield as there is a strong sense of community. At the gym I met Riina, Laura, Richard. Also I med Damian who was working out expecting the Yoga class as well..
I came back to the apartment and grab a hot shower, a little snack and went to sleep.
This morning I wake up early as usual, Had a wonderful and fulfilling breakfast. With Simona's picture in front of me ( center picture above the coffee mug) and as well with my Wonderful Case Manager  Sarah - it is the picture on the right hand side of the table.

Well it is always good to start the day to thank the both of them.

At the clinic I worked on my CR by helping Zeina to search for a medical papers within the past  couple of years. Afterward it was time for my Yoga class with Amy. I brought a letter for her two daughters: Madison is 11 and Olivia is 4. For Olivia I worked on a drawing of her Halloween costume that was based on Queen Elsa from Frozen. I have also brought her stickers. For Madison I have prepared a letter as she is a bit older and more proficient. I wrote in Block letters and English. 
You see I write to them based on what Amy tells me about their life.

It is all good!
Time for lunch.

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