Monday, November 24, 2014

Monday November 24 weekend activities

On Friday after the clinic I went to the 24 fitness gym to dance Zumba with Honey. She  is the lady with a yellow shirt. Salvia is at my right hand side.

This is me with Salvia and Michelle - she is the lady wearing a blue T-shirt.

They are all polite to pose for a picture with me. They know it is for my personal use.
As it was a Happy Thanksgiving Zumba I had time for enjoying a bit of extra time.
After Zumba I came back home and get some rest.
On Saturday  I have been preparing a little happy thanksgiving note for our boys.
A little art for them.

And Also a letter for our eldest son Chicco who  is 9 years old, while Lapo our youngest is 5.5 I am writing to the both of them in English and block letter. Always telling them about my days and about my little adventure. I am telling them to be happy and that I am proud of their achievement in life and in sports.

Over the weekend I have cleaned the whole apartment as well. Washed the floor, run the hoover and now it is sparking clean.

I like to leave in a clean apartment as much as I can.

I went to do grocery shopping at Trader Joe's.

Greeted Jamie her pictured at my left hand side. Also gave her a letter for her daughter Delaney.

I greeted Meredith 

After grocery Shopping I went to see Food Chain. The movie for a special showing for  Kern County.
I was the only one in the whole theater, as I have liked the movie the public approval is 100%

This is Morgan at the movie theater.

On Sunday  I have been writing a lot to my family and then went to church at S. Francis. I greeted Amparo and Mark.

Today Erica mentioned that her daughter Sunn turned 1 year  and took her first step.
Simona and the boys are fine.

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