Tuesday, December 1, 2015

December 1 2015 edited

It is a wonderful fact being allowed to step into the CNS clinic. A really top class facility with a lot of space and many amenities. It is a blessing being accepted into the place with all of your customers

Yesterday I sent again the mail to my family, it was returned to me.

I corrected the address and sent it again

In the evening the Winco shopping was schedule for 6:30 pm. And of course everything happened later by 30 minutes. 
At Winco I purchased  a lot.

I spent a whooping $98.38 and it is OK.

I will use in the next few day. When it is time I will do like the rest in US,  that is I will throw away some.

Today I had new meds and of course they were not sorted dear nursing .

So I sorted by myself.

The   great picture of today, it is called trash trowing.

As Doug mentioned this morning  I should keep doping my job.. obviously my job is throwing the trash ...
I feel I was born for this matter. Yes because I was born with my AVM and hence let's admit it this is a very suitable job for me. Rather than the other one I had earlier  -making chips at Altasens.- this is my real vocation.

this is the checking device that is used in the CNS apartment to make sure it gets vacated in the morning.
It get clicked by the morning supervisor.

Yes today I came with the big bus as I am taking the bus for coming to AAC.

The therapeutic value of taking the bus is incredibly high.

The flowers for today's shot are the following ones

My breakfast. Lonely as usual in a hurry listening to NPR.
The kids were  driven to school by my wife Simona. Obviously I called her as she never calls me.
I used to it this matter, not a complain rather than a statement of fact.

Before leaving I cleaned everything washed my dishes, cleaned around the table and the faucet of the bathroom after brushing my teeth.

Like to leave in a clean environment.

By the way my family is fine, they have been fine for the past four years, haven't they?

Giuseppe Rossi

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