Thursday, December 3, 2015

Thursday December 3 2015

Yesterday I came back at the apartment and cooked chicken tender Alex's style

I got the chicken tenders from Winco last time I went there.

They were thick so I cut them again to make them thinner.

The picture of me enjoying cooking activities while lessening NPR.

Miss Samantha took this picture for me making sure I was OK.

Before her leaving I showed her that I took my 5pm Metagenics.

Here is the procedure I used for cooking.

First the chicken tender breast  got  thinned and seared on  a hot pan.

Then and  let them in the oven for 40 minutes to fully cook inside.

At the very end  I put the  broil in LO setting to brown the tender  on the top.

Here is the result of my cooking activities. A healthy salad with tomatoes, arugula and carrot was used  as a  the side.

At 5pm I booked for movie.
 I left a call to Sarah the activity coordinator. She called me back to close the loop. I appreciate it.

Finally  I went to the gym  to do cycle. It is good to bend my legs as it is part of my recovery process. I understand it very well.

At the gym Cassie was leading and motivating the class.

 I  enjoyed her attitude and her motivating  for the whole class to work hard.
A lot of self-talk and focusing on the task of the moment.

After the class there was body pump with Sylvia (the lady on the back behind Cassie).

I could not stay passed 6:30pm and hence it was time for me to go back.

At the gym while adjusting the handle for the bike my pinky  got caught. in it. 
I sliced it open.
At the gym they gave me a bandage,  later at the apartment I went to nursing where Amber applied more medication.

Well this is a case where I did it all by myself.

Here is my pinky once at the apartment.

Today it looks better doesn't it ?

The date this today is December the 3rd  (12-3) 
As I call in my mind it is 123 day.

My breakfast has been really good.

I bit of coffee in the morning just a cup.

Say cheese for my family (thank you Miss Araceli)

The crispy flowers for this morning are the following ones:

Simona is fine I called the boys earlier today while they were going to school.

They asked about my finger and went to school.
Chicco and Lapo are going to Taekwon-do, afterward Chicco is going to play soccer.

I explained Jesus I get frustrated with the wrong people around me.
I left him a voice mail and sent him a mail to apologize for my slashing on him.

Yoga time.
I had a  good Yoga session with Amy. Her husband Jacob, their two daughters  Madison and Olivia are doing great. 

Working on Yoga with Amy is fulfilling for me as it makes me work on my different body parts.

Afterward I had lunch outside under the patio.

Chicken tender,  a healthy salad and grapes.


Simona is busy at a seminar she mentioned she is going to call me around 4pm once I am back at the apartment.

This is the view of the weather outside. Not too cool.

I found a cool feature of the blogger. When I want to post a picture that I have on the desktop I can drag and drop it directly into the browser.
I did not know it so I learnt it today.

Working on my database next


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