Monday, December 21, 2015

Monday December 21

Today it is the first day of Winter.
So happy winter to everybody,
Let review the weened activities

-Last Friday December  18 I had Zumba with Caroline.

She the lady with the green pants at my left had side.

At my far left is Rachael with her red hair.

At my right in pink shirt you see Sira.

They are all people that are used to see me at the gym and trust me with the picture taking.

- Last Saturday December 19 I took care of cleaning the apartment. I changed the bed, washed all my clothes and all my sport attire.

I split the load into two washer machines in the 500 building.

In this way the washer did not jam.

I also  had time to clean the whole apartment from the accumulated dust.

I like to leave in a clean and perfumed environment.

At 11 am it was time for me to go to Trader Joe's to do my grocery shopping

I spent $70.2 got a new supply of stickers. Also I took there reusable bags and got the ticket for the raffle on Simona's behalf.

She is Meredith always happy to see me over there. You see she is always making sure I got the right food.

I wrote to my family.

I spent time to clean the apartment

In the evening I went to the Maya movie theater.
She is Inez always happy to see me .

I had Dibs and Tea (no more soft drink)

I was able to catch a very good movie" The Force Awaken". It is the latest movie installment of the Star War franchise.

It is a very entertaining movie.

I was told it was hard to get in. However at the Maya theater the crowd was handled very gracefully and very efficiently. Afterward I made a drawing for Lapo about the BB-8 new droid of the movie.

Both our sons Chicco and Lapo were excited about lessening my story about the movie.

I made a drawing for  our youngest  son Lapo about the new droid.

I wrote another letter for my family about the movie.

I love writing to the boys, it makes me feel connected to my family.

It has been raining in Bakersfield, I took advantage of snapping pictures of the wet roses.

Last Saturday Dec 20 I went to church at S. Philips the apostle church.

As usual I like going to church. I was right on time the way I like to be at church.

After church I went to the gym

I did my own program. I did 4 miles on the stepper. It took me 45 minutes.

I  am enjoying using this machine. It makes me walk better and it strengthens my legs.

At the gym I greeted Leon and his wife. Wished them a Marry Xmas

Diego drove me to the gym as usual on a Sunday early afternoon.

Before leaving I measured my weigh. I took this picture and sent it to Melissa at CNS.

After coming back to the apartment and getting a warm shower I went down to cooking.

Alexis took this picture of me getting ready for my cooking activities.

These are the skewers before cooking in the oven

I had not enough vegetable to use use in the skewers, next time I need to get more organized.

For instance more onion, zucchini and greens

I cooked some potatoes, seasoned with a lot of herbs. Particularly to rosemary came from the CNS's garden.

Today is a cold clear day. Enjoy the shots of the local nature.
It is all good.

Time to eat
I enjoyed my lunch: chicken skewers, Russel potatoes (see yesterday activities)

After lunch a bit of coffee brushed my teeth.

I met Jolanta and wished her a Marry Christmas. We kidded that we are all used to wish a Marry Christmas,

My instruction for the next few days when the kids are on Christmas break.

Simona mentioned I should not call at home, and that I should wait for Simona to rather call me.

Tomorrow she is going to the dentist, and then to work.
On Wednesday I should also wait for Simona's calling me.  Let try to comply with her instructions.
I am going to work on the database for Lisa and CNS,


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