Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Wednesday Dec 16

Already, let's come directly into the aspect of today's van ride.

In the van an NRS (miss I.) ate nachos.. it smelled really poorly.

It was done with nonchalance as if eating inside the Van were the most natural action for an NRS to do.  I guess this is correct in your own car.

However I believe there are boundaries. I can not eat in the van and so an NRS should not allowed to eat either. Simple two ways fairness.

Let's move on.

Yesterday evening I cooked  broccoli flower.

Our kids were at home doing homework. Simona did came back yesterday from her  conference in S.Francisco.

As usual I had dinner before going to the gym. Broccoli, a polpetta (Italian home made meatball) and seasoned zucchini squash.

The table cloth was given to me by my Case Manager Jolanta. It shows a map of Italy.

I am centering it on Marche were  I have been spending a lot of summer vacation time with my Italian family.

I  wrote a letter to my sons. It is a "For all of us letter" as the last line reads
Whenever I wrote them I use block letter and English. They do not read any Italian

Finally at 5:45pm I went to the gym. It was the body-pump day with Ellie in red.

Repetition and precision of movement. I tried my best in bending my legs. Yes I  have been realizing  it has been difficult for me to do so. Yet I am there to do my best every day.

Afterward  I had Zumba with Mike and at 7pm it was time to leave. Selena shuttled me back and forth to the gym.

Today Simona has taken the boys to school. She mentioned that she had to work from home.

Yesterday she returned from S. Francisco . At Caltech the academic year is completed .

Today she is grading the finals at home and she needs to work on the the remaining scientific papers for the month.

I asked her what my final vote is going to be. Simona mentioned I had an F for Fail she just mentioned it is an Epic Fail. :)

She is definitely my wonderful wife.

It is a very cold day outside. I called this picture  "Tundra". The garden near the apartment is frozen and the sun is pale.

Today's roses are really beautiful. The Rose Parade is coming up soon.

This morning it was my day for the first part of the money management program.

At the reception I turned in my receipt for the outing and for the grocery.
I spent the whole outing ($24).  Movie ticket $10.00 Dibs and Tea $8.25.  $5.75 for church charity.

The movie was "In the Heart of the sea" about the big Mody Dick whale.

This week I did not spent the whole grocery  money. It was only $67.84 a quite pleasant result.

My sister Isabella sent me these pictures from India

She is following a lot of activities she find interesting for her. Her daily schedule is from 6:30am to 7pm. Besides doing yoga she is taking classes in anatomy. She mentioned she has a full day.

Enjoy the reading

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