Wednesday, December 30, 2015

Wednesday Dec 30

Today is the the second to last day of the years.

I edited my blog I posted yesterday removing some aspects of it as they were written in the heat of the moment. I let everybody know at CNS.. it is OK, the key in life is how well we come back  from our own "faux pas", that is it is human to stumble once in a while. They key is how we come back from it.

Yesterday evening I cooked a healthy dinner.

A frittata with left over pasta. So that I used the food I had available in the fridge.

I also cooked zucchini squash lightly seasoned

Afterward I went to the gym. It was my day of body pump with Ellie.

She wished me a Happy New Year.

I stayed light, focused on repetition and precision of movement.

Bending my legs is the tough part for me. Yet I am trying hard to do it well and always better.

Yesterday Simona went ice skating with our boys in Pasadena.

They all had a lot of fun and enjoyed themselves.

Afterward they had a hot chocolate.

This morning's breakfast

I also had money management done (receipt and change)

I did not spend anything from the last outing as I went to La Canada.  We were to see the movie The Force Awakens, the latest Star Wars installment.

I also spent really little money at Winco for Grocery. I returned the change to Miss  Mary as I spent $58

I got also from Mondo and all the crew at the apartment a brand new pair of red gloves.

I appreciate the gift from all the crew. I can use this picture with my red gloves.

Today's beautiful  roses are the following ones

It is a cold day. The park near the apartment is feeling the chilly day.

I enjoy my morning walking in the park. Cold and  heart opening.

I brought to AAC a Pandoro that Simona gave me the other day.

It is a gesture of gratitude I am sure Simona agrees with it.
Lunch is next

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