Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Tuesday December 8

Yesterday afternoon I went to the gym and had Yoga with Lilli.

Monica drove me to the gym and dropped me off.

Over there I met the usual familiar people.

This is a picture of me and Lee, He is a good person and a particularly a person that cares for me.

At the gym I met Richard, Damian and the usual people that attend the gym with me.

At 6:45pm it was time for me to go back to the apartment and Dolores the sup came to pick me up with her car to drove me back.

Today in Italy it is the celebration of the Holly Mary and as well the opening of the Holly year.

Early this morning I called Anna my mother in  law and spoke with his brother Saverio.
They are both fine.

 I talked with my wife Simona who took the kids to school.She mentioned she had visitors and that she was busy. Due to my headache I have not been putting her trough a call.

My healthy breakfast is the following one.

My daily flower pictures are as below. In my opinion it is a great picture well suited for today. I dedicate it as usual to all the people that have been caring and will be caring for me.

the park pano feature of the  morning is  the following one. 
You have to love the park as I do and taking a lot of picture of it.  
My hand is getting steadier and steadier. It looks to me that  the composition of the image is improving. When you check this image you will see my shadow at the left hand side of the picture.

At the clinic I read the newspapers and then I had mediation with Matt.
 It was a difficult session for me to go through because of my shunt that today makes feel its presence in my skull at the right hand side.

I had lunch outside with my heavy coat on to breath the fresh and cool air of the day

I am filling my daily blog and shortly I will be working on the paper database for Lisa and CNS.


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