Monday, December 7, 2015

Monday December 7

Great being at CNS, talking to everybody while nobody cares to lessen ... I should not be surprised by the lack on interest in the world happenings.

Whenever I see the lack of interest and respect I am automatically thinking the following: perhaps you have not been giving talks at any conferences like me.

Let's pretend it is OK..

At my time the public was interested in lessening ... yet I understand here there is a different kind of audience.

Who am I after all?  I am Dr. Giuseppe Rossi I am a patient - impatient- to get back to the  world outside where I feel I belong to.

Today Simona is at home as Lapo our youngest is sick to his stomach.

She is staying at home while Marina is coming at home at 10am.

This morning when I called home Chicco was doing well and ready for school while Lapo was resting. He sounded to me a bit  under tone. He is sick.

I now fully understand why. Simona mentioned it is just a virus.

The nearby park

Today's roses at the apartment 

The  fall colour and  the changing leaves. 

Yesterday it was Sunday and in the afternoon I went to the gym

I weighted myself and  I am at 183.2 lb.

I sent this information to Melissa my nurse at AAC.
I closed the loop with her this morning, she acknowledged she has received it.

Again closing the loop in life is the way I like to do business.

While at the gym I have been so much enjoying the Stair Master. I was carrying away  and ended up  doing 4 miles in 46 minutes. The whole time allowed to me.

I invested the whole time at the gym in working only on this machine. 

At lunch I had Sushi and chicken broth

Earlier on Sunday  morning I went to church at S.Philips the Apostle.

I fulfilled my religious obligation by attending church, once a week.

I gave to church  the whole outing money I had left ie. $5.75

I spent the whole outing money as usually.

On Saturday evening I went to the movie theater. I saw Creed with Sylvester Stallone.

It is a good movie I enjoyed seeing it. I liked the movie theater quietness and lonely time.

I actually do not mind being by myself. 

At the Maya Theater I had dibs and lemon tea.
The movie ticket is $10, the snack (Dibs and tea) is worth $8.25
The outing money for Saturday is $18.25.

Together with the offer to church above, the total makes a perfect $24.

You see it obviously easy to get the outing money down to square and  fair.

On Saturday I wrote to my family. I wrote a letter in Italian to my mom and send it to Verona in Italy.

I prepared a letter to my kids and a drawing for Lapo the youngest one.

I sent them both my  letter. They are going to receive it in a few days.

My sister Isabella sent me the following pictures

She is Isabella my sister.

In this picture Isabella is dancing Tango - she is a huge fan of this dance

This is Isabella's cat.

My sister Isabella mentioned that in mid December she is going to India to follow a Yoga class.

On Saturday morning I fulfilled my apartment duties obligations ( the usual list of the Saturday works is available for you and you can read my entry from last Saturday).

At 11 am I went to do Grocery Shopping at Trader Joe's. She is Kanvas always good to me.

I spent $82.82 end enjoyed my shopping experience.

A new supply of stickers. I brought my reusable bags and left a bunch at the store.

Tickets for the raffle is also part of the routine.

Enjoy the reading.

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