Friday, December 11, 2015

Friday December 11

Yesterday I went to the Retina Institute for an appointment with Dr. Castillo. I was taken by surprise as I had not been informed by anybody of the event.

 I was asked to pay a co payment and  I had not enough money with me . It felt really unconformable looking at them while counting down to my last dollar  for a  discounted co-pay.

Dr. Castillo  dilated my eye and checked my crystalline.

It is a good procedure that I have to do once in a year (next time it is going to be next year on December 12 2016).

As a result of the procedure I was out of commission  for a few hours because my pupils could not close down nor modulate the light appropriately. I did not go to the gym.

it lasted a few hours.  Today I am feeling  fine.

 As a result my daily activity at the apartment (THP) were as follows: I have been writing to my kids and wife. To my wife the letter below in Italian explaining her my latest dr. visit

I realized I was writing in Italian, then I wrote to my kids a letter in English.  

They do no read  any Italian. At  home we do speak Italian though.

In the meantime I was cooking a good vegetable broth. 

Samantha came in my apartment to make sure I was OK and she took this picture of me with my white  apron.

I also received a new phone holder from Simona my wife.

These are the roses at the apartment.

This is me this morning, high giving a high five to everybody.
Araceli was kind to snap the picture with my phone.

In the morning I saw the gardener taking care of the roses and I had a this picture of me for my wife and for everybody that takes care of me.

I went to the park for my daily walk and snapped these pictures with a nice squirrel.

Today at the AAC I  read the newspaper, start filling my daily blog and then had a good yummy lunch all together.

I enjoyed it very much, the cold tea as well.

Despite the fact that I had brought my lunch,  I decided to eat with the whole team instead.

Simona called me to explain she is doing OK, we went thought some of the recent events (family business)

Enjoy the reading

My database is next

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