Friday, December 18, 2015

Friday Dec 18

Yesterday I did my grocery shopping for next Saturday's shopping.

I have been cooking Alex's style chicken and Zucchini squash.
I halved the squash and seasoned lightly before using the oven.

I enjoyed very much cooking, it is something I do with personal satisfaction and pride.

For  next time I am making the chicken this is my plan.
 I have already the metal skewers  and  I can use it to make chicken kebab.

While the food was cooking I wrote a note to my boys.
As mentioned before doing all these activities is called in the local  lingo THP  (Therapeutics Home Program)

When dinner was ready, I had the chicken together with a sweet potato.

I discovered it recently and according to the web  it  is full of good nutrient.

After cooking and eating I cleaned  all the dishes.

I felt it was also a good things to do cleaning the floor.

I like to stay in a clean and perfumed place.

I personally I in favor of cleanness and clear air.

Yesterday I did not go to the gym.. Yet I kept myself  busy with  all these activities.

It is OK as I enjoyed myself  anyway,, maximizing life with one's constraints.

This morning I had my good breakfast

Backa, Cereal, blueberry, yogurt and a cup of coffee. Dr. Helvie  recommendation is that I limit my coffee to a cup during the day.

It is a cold day in Bakersfield.

the local flowers are getting ready for the Rose Parade

I called the boys and found them at home playing. They are on Xmas break. Simona was taking care of a few things while the boys were keeping them busy.

It is a cold days today. I keep my feet warm by using a double layer of socks...
As I run out of warmer socks..

My morning started well, went on to become an unpleasant one as I was standing next to somebody that was blasting radio with Spanish music -- as if it were a new item in the block..

Every morning is the same routine, I should not be surprised but hey.. there are human limits to one's  behaviour.

This made my shunt hurt and so I went to nursing to get some Tylenol.

For Lunch CNS made us Chicken Alfredo Pasta with Garlic Bread.

I enjoyed it very much.

In my opinion Chicken Alfredo recipe comes from Pasta all Carbonara
In the latter dish Pancetta and eggs are used together with the Pasta.

It is a different approach to eating pasta.

Simona and the boys are fine. She called earlier to let me know she was fine. She went to Costo and to the Italian Food Store where she gets all sort of Italian food we use at home.
I am going to keep working on my database

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