Monday, December 28, 2015

Monday December 28 2015

It has been a good holiday break.

Last Wednesday 23 I went to the gym to do body pump with Sylvia

I am getting better, trying to bend more and more my legs..

I greeted Damian, Michelle, Richard, Larry and his wife Janice.

Before leaving Damian stopped by shook my hand and wished me a Merry Xmas.

Simona and the boys came to pick me up from the apartment

The boys had a lot of fun playing with  lounge in the living room.

Lapo did find a suitable position to stay put for a while.

Chicco is doing great at School.

He had two A+ in Language, Arts and Social Study.
He also has two A in science and writing.

Both Chicco and Lapo are two very good student.

While back at home we brought to our neighbor Mark and Vee a present to Xmas.

Our good friends were on vacation elsewhere.
Stefano and Jen were at Mammoth for skiing vacation.
Bob and Ra were visiting Bob's sister in Philadelphia.

On Thursday December 24 we went to celebrate Xmas with a dinner all together at Celestino
This is a very good Italian restaurant in Pasadena.

I had a really good dinner: Orecchiette with granchio e gambero. Antipasto di pesce e melanzane. Trancio di Pesce Spada.

Great dinner together with the family.

For the boys (mostly for Lapo) we had Panna Cotta as well

We came back home before going to church  at 10pm

We went to S.Bede in La Canada and greeted Monsignor Antonio. He his originally from Italy. So we exchanged greeting in Italian.

The boys were looking forward to see if Santa remembered to bring them something for them as well.

In doing so Lapo spotted Simona going into the house to feed Rudolph and the Elf.

Lapo declared he realized  that Santa is directly connected to Simona.

The boys unpacking all their  presents

Lapo working hard on his big boxes

Chicco was happy as he finally got a new Xbox

I received a Chrome 2 computer, a new Patagonia sweater.

A great new pair of sneakers and a new sweat suit to do sport.

This is me showing off my latest Samsung Chrome 2 computer

I also received two  good chocolate treat boxes. I brought the fist one to Jesus and left it in his office.
The second one is here at AAC with Amanda for everybody that would like to share it. It is our personal present for you all.

Lapo is working hard with his latest lego sets.

Lapo was quick in completing his latest Lego  Airplane set.

Chicco received a great Ipad controlled cars from Verona, Italy.

He was very happy for his present and he showed it off very proudly.

On December 25 Xmas day we went to have lunch with friends. Elena and Tom. She is Italian as well.

We all had a good time staying together.

They have two kids Ludovico and Cosimo pictured above.

Our eldest Chicco is scheduled to go for 5 days in Philadelphia with the elementary school in La Canada.
They are going to fly there, I bet it is going to be a big adventure of everybody.

I also received my latest presents: a brand new pair of Nike shoes as the previous one had run its due course.

Finally a new sport suit set (no picture this time)

At home I also being weighting my self. I am 83.2Kg corresponding to 183 lb (Imperial Unit)

On Saturday December 26 we went to  the Rose Bowl with the boys for their swimming lesson.

Chicco was practicing free style and butterfly.

They all had a good time.

We then all went together to watch the Latest Star War movie: The Force Awaken.

Simona got the tickets at the Starlight movie theater in Pasadena at the Paseo Colorado.

It is a great movie experience going together to see it  with the family.

The seats were already booked by virtue of purchasing the tickets in advance.

The kids did enjoy seeing the movie.

In this case the Force stayed awaken throughout the movie. That is Simona did manage to watch it without falling asleep.

Simona gave me a box of chocolate.

I left it  on Jesus's desk  with a note.

Today I also brought here at AAC another box of cookies.

My brother Francesco sent me this picture of the latest  Persimmon  tree's fruit.

He mentioned this was a very good year. With the right number of cold days..

This morning breakfast. The usual routine followed.
I had a few packed day  so I had  a lot to describe to you.

My breakfast from this morning is this one

The daily roses are the following ones.


I learned to use the autofocus feature on the iphone, hence all the pictures are sharp in focus as you can see.

For lunch I had a quick sandwich, apple and banana. It is good to stay light and for the go. I do not feeling much eating at the AAC. I normally eat standing in a corner. I do no like seat down any longer with the others.

During lunch  Simona called me. She mentioned she will work until 3pm today and then go home.

At home I reached the kids. They  are playing happy and fully adapted to the situation, well after four years it is obvious for them that this is their norm.

Marina is taking care of them while Simona is at Caltech.

By the way
Catherine mentioned today it is her last day here at AAC. I asked Amanda to have permission to post it on my blog.

I asked Amnda for a new copy or revision of my documentation.
Currently the document it is in my hand and it has reached its limit.

Beside of having a hard copy, an original soft copy (PdF or equivalent) would be highly appreciated from CNS.

Well I used to be in charge of the documentation in our company (Before having a VP of Compliance dedicated to this task). I am sure I know what I am asking for as I worked on this matter before.

The aim of the document should spell clearly the objective of the current neuropractice program. It should clearly indicated the short term objectives and should be conducted by lessening my own input rather than being conducted by somebody else.

The current document should provide a time line. The objective of the experts should be providing some relevant and useful information.

Let's all work on this matter please. Enjoy the reading.

By the way I also have a computer at the apartment to work with. In case you ask why there is a duplicate with this posting.


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