Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Tuesday Dec 22

Yesterday I came back at the apartment and prepared a good and healthy dinner.

Sweet potatoes with a side of healthy arugula salad, nuts and cherry tomatoes. As a fruit I had   grapes. A lot of healthy carb from vegetable.

After dinner I went to the gym.

Our kids were at Taekwondo.

I went at the reception waited for CNS to take me to the gym, Selena did drove me.

At the reception I also met Joel.

He works at the LA clinic as an RTC.
He used to be a sup here at CNS in Bakersfield. I greeted him a Marry Xmas.

I had Yoga with Erica. It was her last day at the gym. She is moving to Delano.

I wished her a Marry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Erica is the lady at my left hand side of this image.

I enjoyed the Yoga practice with Erica very much. A healthy dose of physical exercise. Balance, Chatteronga. Many  familiar moves, I learned practicing over time Yoga with Erica.

Afterward I had cycle with Lolita. She is the lady  at the far site of the image on the bike.

I set the cycle seat  high to extend all the way my legs.

I payed extra attention to my fingers so that not to pinch it again.

while there  I greeted Marry Christmas to Larry, Janice,  Richard and Maria.

Today it is  the winter solstice, that is the first day of winter.

It has been raining again.

My healthy breakfast has been  the following one.  A good blueberry with cereal and milk.
A cup of cooked multi grain oat. A cup of black coffee.

I am sleeping much better. My sleeping meds and the ambient pills do help.

I am also using  hear plugs so that I am  not disturbed by the local noise.

I am waking up well rested at 6:15 am everyday ready for my day.

I called the boys they were all already up.

Simona is going to the dentist today, Chicco is going to the History Museum in Pasadena.

 Lapo is staying back home with Marina.

Picture of the day. The park near the apartment under the rain.

Flowers: Roses under the rain. Beauty is around us.

It is all good. I did walked in the park at two locations.
The nearby paper kiosk had the old newspapers still, so I returned the money at the reception.

I also walked at the far location in the park were there use to be another kiosk.

I realized it it has been removed.

Anyway I have enjoyed my self walking to both location.

Despite my shoes getting wet I was able to dry it with my  hair driers before coming to the Mt Vernon Clinic.

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