Thursday, December 17, 2015

Thursday Dec 17

Yesterday  I came back to the CNS apartment and distributed the new schedule.

I booked for movie at 5 pm.

I am planning to go an watch the latest "Star War Movie" .. it is going to be very packed.

Simona mentioned I can watch it again together with her and our boys.

I wrote a note to my family

I cooked sweet potatoes and a side of healthy salad

I had my dinner lessening to Blake Shelton.
I purchased this album,  it has a very good music and lyric

A staff came to my apartment to check on my 5pm meds.

It was all good and I asked to snap this picture of me pretending to call my family.

Later I went to the gym

Cycle with Lolita

Afterward I had body pump with Sylvia

I met Larry his wife Janice,  Pete and his wife Michelle, may others familiar faces.

Whenever I am at the gym I am using the black glove that Larry gave me as a present for my birthday. Larry says that I have to take a good care of it.

I dug out a picture of our youngest son Lapo. It is Prince Lapo at his best.

Simona is fine, she just called me to let me know she is doing fine.
Tomorrow it is the last days at school for out kids. Afterward they are in winter vacation.

Simona is busy at Caltech.

The boys today are going to Taekwon-do I find them at home after 5:15pm

This morning is a very cold day here in Bakersfield.

I had my second part of Money Management ($75 for Grocery and for outing $24)

While walking at the reception I notice these beautiful flowers.

This morning before leaving the apartment I noticed that the floor was dirty
After putting away my breakfast  dishes, I mopped the floor and removed the dust.

In addition I washed it with the swifter, and for today it is clean.

While I was cleaning a staff came to check my meds.

I  greeted and let her walk on the floor as I was in the middle of cleaning.

When she left I cleaned more.

Here is a picture of this morning cleaning spree.

Today's newspaper stand was jammed. I returned the money at the reception.

The stand gave a couple of plugs (a replica of a legal quarter).
I gave it to James and we had a good lough out of it.

This morning at the AAC as there was no newspapers I collected signatures from all the patients and staff . It was to sign my farewell letter for  miss Amy our yoga teacher.

It was her last day her at work, she mentioned she is going to be a full time mom at home.

Good luck to you Amy and thank you for your hard work and kindness.

I got to know her family: her husband Jacob and two daughters: Madison and Olivia.

Enjoy the reading..

Working on my database for CNS

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