Friday, March 10, 2017

Friday March 10

My head is better. I have started using a cold compress in the morning.
I wet a cloth with cold water and then keep it in contact of my head for a while.

The physiology  is that it helps with the flow of the blood in the vessel of my head.
It is a vasoconstriction natural remedy that regularizes the blood flow in my brain.

I am using it in place of Tylenol for my morning headache.

My Case Manager Jolanta recommended me to use it the other day.

Here is me with this simple and efficient home remedy. This morning it worked well.

I had a healthy and Organic breakfast as always
Oatmeal, blueberry, walnut, cereal and Organic milk.

A cup of oatmeal and some coffee with frothed milk.

I walked around the park as always I like to do in the morning. It is quite there no radio pumping ad libitum. The surrounding at the Homes of Hope are kind of rough.

Apparently people around it are not working as they are always out pumping their music or riding their moped. Briefly the people of this part of town are hardly doing any work but they like to leave a life I am sharing with them.

I snapped a picture of the day. 

I sent the picture only when I was connected to the network, hopefully this is saving data from my data plan. If not well time to change data plan. Nowadays there are many options available.

I helped throwing the trash around the apartment. I also got the newspaper of the day.
Today it was available at the kiosk.

I took the van to go  to AAC.

Over there I waited for everybody to settled in I wrote the day of the week on the white board both in English and Spanish, hoy es el Viernes diez de marzo, tenga un buon dia...

I wrote it a in English as well: Today is Friday March the 10th 2017.

While I was  reading the newspaper I entered in a quarrel with an NRS. Her name is Cee.

A patient mr E. was interrupting my newspaper reading and wanted to take a place to lay down and sleep. He is normally trying to do so. This is not a surprise.

He was interrupting me very often so I kidded with him to take a place and to sleep anywhere he liked to go.

Well Vee was very unprofessional and very unpleasant in her abrupt reaction to me.

I firmly reminded her that her salary is paid by my the  Insurance of my wife. 

As a consequence  I reminded her that by extension she is also working for me and I expect nothing more than respect from my employee. 

I was firm and blunt in my point  to her.

Also I reported  it to Miss Amanda the director of AAC.

I made my point clear. If Cee  does not like her job, it is perhaps time for her to change it. 

After all there are many other easy positions she could apply for.

My family is well. Yesterday evening Simona came back from Harvard University where she gave several seminars.

 I called the boys to talk to them in the morning they were both already awaken and ready for school watching some TV. Simona then called me and let me know the boys were already at school and she was super busy throughout her day.

Later the boys would be going to tennis. Yesterday it was basket.

About myself yesterday I have been  compiling my grocery list for this  Saturday morning.

I then made myself a light dinner. A healthy salad with carrot, celery, tomatoes and nuts.

A small piece of brie cheese and a couple of rye bread slices.

I signed off from the apartment at 5:25pm. I walked to the gym and arrived at 5:52 pm

At the gym I had my classes. I did body combat with Scott.

My next class was  with Mike.

There was some confusion as whether it was a cycle-spin- or a Zumba class.

The schedule was not clear, normally it would have been a spin class with Misty.

Anyway Mike was there and decided it was time for Zumba. Hence he set up some music and we moved at the dance of Zumba.

At 6:50pm I was ready to go back and let CNS know about it. They came to pick me up kind of late. It was already past the time for them, so I started walking back. Kayla picked me up along the way. You see I am waiting 5 minutes after I have been letting them know I was ready in 10 minutes.
Overall  15 minutes of heads up is enough according to my own view.

So  started to walk back, I do not mind going for  it.
Kayla came and picked me up along the way. I signed back in at 7:20pm.

A  shower. a banana and my evening meds.

I slept well and enough. I sleep a solid nine hours and wakes up at 6am.
 This is my schedule  even during my weekend.
I clearly sleep enough and well. I use hear plugs to sleep and to defed myself from the different howling sounds of the night time

My own lunch: pork tenderloin, avocado, a pear a slice of rye bread

Next Sunday the clock will be set forward  by a full hour as saving time will begin in the middle of the night on Sunday.

It does not matter  really. I feel I will be able to catch up very soon.

At the apartment I am sure they will cut the grass or start to work outside at the very earliest time.
In this respect there is always something going on in the morning.

Today I filled my daily blog and then went for lunch downstairs.
The setting is getting ready for a parent conference to be held this weekend.

Everything is set as far as the table is concerned.

They told me Miss Latwana will be cooking for the people attending  the meeting.

Enjoy the weekend as I normally do for mine

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