Monday, March 27, 2017

Monday March 27

I slept well and woke up naturally by myself.

It is a Monday and I am ready for a new week.

I have spent a wonderful weekend following my own heart and my own activities.

Monday March 27
Breakfast this morning. Oatmeal, cereal with High Fiber Fruit and Multigrain Medley Cereal, Chia seeds and Blueberry Yogurt. Coffee and foamed milk.

the roses near the apartment are blossoming again

The park near the apartment where I am taking my morning walk is exploding to life again.

I got the last  newspapers this morning at the kiosk, I went to the AAC read the newspaper to everybody and then at 11am came here for my work program.

I took my weight today at the apartment on my scale: it is 175.2 lb fully dressed.

Yesterday it was Sunday March 26.

First of all I went to church at the S. Philip the Apostle church on Stockdale HWY.

Because I did not go to the movie the past weekend - nothing interesting or worth watching for me- I gave the all $24 of the outing at church. In addition  while  we were leaving church, there was a family of needed people asking for donations. I had the van to  stop by and gave them $2. God Bless you guys.

It was the fourth Sunday of Lent. The Gospel was about  the miracle  that Jesus made for a blind man. Jesus  made him to regain his eyesight. The period of Lent is to bring sight to the blinds trough the sacrament of reconciliation.

After church I  had a quick lunch.

I made a very good Italian style Panino. Artisan Bread, crudo, mozzarella, Black Olive, Olive Oil Basil

I put it in the oven for a few minutes to brown and to get crispy

Here is the result- note the melting mozzarella on the side.

An apple for lunch was enough. A lot of sparkling water with my Soda Stream home appliance.

After lunch It was time for me to leave for the gym.

I signed out at 1:40pm and arrived at 2:30pm
At the gym I med Rod, a good person that used to  run a construction company at the apartment.

He told me he had to take a leave for medical reason.

 He is now doing well. A bit slimmed down but still the same man I  remember.

At the gym I worked out on my own program: chest press, vertical chest press, shoulder press, rotary torso for my core. I also worked on the VMX machine  and abdominal crunch for my  core.
A strong core is essential to walk better.

I greeted Kayla, Britney, Lucy. I also greeted Leon and Suzy a lovely couple of grown up people.
Lucy is a very sweat person at the gym. She has had a accident so her face is very injured. She is brilliant and always upbeat.

Last Saturday March 25 I took the time for cleaning the whole apartment.

 I  changed and washed my bed sheets,  towels, bathrobe and house rugs

I cleaned the bathroom carefully. All the surfaces were sanitized using  the Clorox powder.
I washed the floor with a swifter.

I vacuumed  the tile in the living room. Afterward I passed the broom to cover the little corners where the machine was not able to reach.

I vacuumed the carpet in the living room

I cleaned the carpet in my bedroom as well.

I folded  away all my washed clothes.

I run the vacuum on the carpet of my bedroom

Carefully making sure the living room was properly done.

I removed the dust from all the surfaces. My room, the second bedroom, the living room and kitchen.

I washed the tile floor of the apartment

So at the end here it is, sparkling cleaned.
It all looks and smells clean.

Last Saturday at lunch after going to  Trader Joe's I made pizza by myself.

I decided to switch to an  anchovies pizza, a classic marinara pizza.
I had purchased the dough, the pizza sauce, a couple of can anchovies and black Kalamata Olives.

I used the large basil leaves I had purchased.

Here are the ingredients. I have not used the crudo.

This is the marinara pizza on the peeler ready for cooking.

This is the pizza in the oven with the pizza stone covered by corn meal to ease the lift off process.

Before putting it in the oven I waited for the pizza stone to be very hot.

A picture of me playing the pizzaiolo holding the wooden peeler 

On March 25 I also wrote a letter to our kids about my day. As always when I write to the kids I used block letters and English.

Earlier during the day at 11 am I walked to Trader Joe's ( in the right direction this time) where I did my grocery shopping.

Jamie was happy to see me this time.

She told me that last week she was not at work because at their house they were building a fence.

Apparently building fences is nowadays very popular in US.

my weight for Saturday Mach 25 is 178lb

I spent $122.02 while shopping over there. I am eating alone, as my wife Simona says I am spending for a whole family. The fact is that I like to eat healthy and Organic for as much as I can.
It is what it is right now.

I came back with the CNS van once done. Somehow I am always the last one leaving the store. It might be that I like staying there. I enjoy talking to the people over there and talking to them about my family and in return lessening about their family too.

Last Friday March 24 It was my Zumba day at the gym

I arrived back at the apartment from therapy. I had a quick dinner and signed out at 4:55pm.

I  arrived at 5:30pm well on time for my Zumba class with Caroline.

As always I had a lot of good time dancing Zumba with Caroline.

She is the lady with the hat next to me.

At my right side you see Salve another nice person that is a regular at the gym for  Zumba with me.

Can I say I am having a lot of fun with Caroline at the gym.

The schedule says Zumba with Caroline fun fitness.

It is most definitely a fun way to maintain one's fitness.

The pictures we take have to be approved by our teacher Caroline.

Whenever she says she does not like it, it is being deleted from the phone.
Her wishes matter.
She is very concerned about how we all look in these pictures.

At 7pm it was time for me to leave, I called CNS and I let them know I was coming back by myself.
I signed back  at 7:40pm 

I had a good night and slept well.
Simona, the boys and Anna are all well. They are skying a Mammoth  as they have been invited by Stefano, Jen and their kids all good friends of the family.

Simona and the boys are in Spring Break until the end of the month.

I am glad they had this opportunity for enjoying the slope.
Mon amour you take care of yourself, I am well 
Today I brough a surprise present to a person at AAC. She likes her Dr Pepper.
So over the weekend I went off and purchased a bottle for her.

I personally do not drink sodas. I believe she was pleased.

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